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Detailed Summary on my first all grain Stout.

Recipe was for 6 gallons.

I used approx 15.63lbs of grains.

Heated water to 150 degrees.

Dumped approx 19.5 quarts of water into mashtun.

Put grains in mash tun. Then mixed the grains with water.

After 1 hr in mash tun the temperature was at 145 degrees.

Added approx 3 more gallons of 168 degrees water to mash tun for 10 minutes .

Added approx .75-1 gallons of 168 degrees more water for 10 minutes.

Had approx 6.5 gallons of wort.

75 minute boil.

@60 mins added 1 oz Hops

@30 mins added 1 oz Hops

My Very First Stout.

Here are a few pics of my very first stout. I used some of Beanies smoked cherry grains. I will be sure to bring some to the next homebrew meeting.

Look below for my ultimate rookie mistake.


Enjoying some beer at work and trying to get educated.

My Favorites were...Avery Mephistopheles & Allagash Four.

Thermostat & Grains

Just bought the ingredients to make my first All Grain Stout this weekend...I also picked up a Refrigerator Thermostat Control.

Can't wait to start brewing! I'll post some work in progress pics this weekend.


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