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Vice President

2013 Doug King Memorial Homebrew Competition

The 10th Annual Doug King Memorial Homebrew Competition will be judged at the Eagle Rock Brewery,

Saturday, Jan 19, 2013 at 9am.


See http://www.maltosefalcons.com/comps/2013dkm for full details!


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2012 Mayfaire Competition Results - PENDING - UPDATED

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE - Results are being held for the Fest on Saturday. Apparently we're doing this old school, but By Grabthar's Hammer, the results will be up Saturday night!

UPDATE - It took a while (Damn you Southern California Homebrewer's Fest!), but the IPA's are judged. Best of Show should happen on Thursday and then the results will be announced!

Board Roles: 

2012 Mayfaire Homebrew Competition


2012 Mayfaire organized by the Maltose Falcons

Holy cow! 550 entries registered and a bunch of judges to run through them all. In the end, the judges at the Best of Show Panel commented on the stellar nature of the winners and just how tough the final judging was. In the end, the bird goes to a brewer known well to the Falcons, particularly for his Belgians. Congrats Mike!

Best of Show Winner
Mike Mraz for his Flanders Red

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2012 Mayfaire Regional Homebrew Competition Rules

  1. The Maltose Falcons' Mayfaire is an BJCP-sanctioned homebrew competition open to all homebrewers.
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2012 Falcons Style Guidelines

New this year:

- Added Belgian Quadruple to Class 19 - Belgian Abbey Ales

(Attachments below)

Board Roles: 

Mayfaire Competition Judging

Today is the day we judge the Mayfaire entries! We'll need lots of help.

Register to judge or steward soon!

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

Mayfaire Entries Due!

Time for the annual Mayfaire Competition. Entries will be due at the Shop on this day 4/22.

Details available here

Register to judge or enter now!

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BJCP Class #5

Come get ready to get your judging on!

This is the first in a series of 5 classes that will prepare you for the BJCP Exam in Late May.

This is serious business and will run from 7PM-10PM at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop

Class fee is $70 and covers class materials, beers and the test. If you end up not taking the test, a portion of your funds will be refunded to you.

A note from John Aitchison about the class:

Board Roles: 

BJCP Class #4

Come get ready to get your judging on!

This is the first in a series of 5 classes that will prepare you for the BJCP Exam in Late May.

This is serious business and will run from 7PM-10PM at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop

Class fee is $70 and covers class materials, beers and the test. If you end up not taking the test, a portion of your funds will be refunded to you.

A note from John Aitchison about the class:

Board Roles: 

BJCP Class #3

Come get ready to get your judging on! This is the first in a series of 5 classes that will prepare you for the BJCP Exam in Late May. This is serious business and will run from 7PM-10PM at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop Class fee is $70 and covers class materials, beers and the test. If you end up not taking the test, a portion of your funds will be refunded to you. A note from John Aitchison about the class: "The roster will fill up quickly.
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