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Award Winning Brew

Coffee & Cream Stout

This is the third variation on a coffee stout. My first attempt was my 2nd brew ever. After the Drew Carey show introduced "Buzz Beer", I attempted my second batch. I have always been proud of this brew, and have tweaked the recipe over the years. The short cold soak of the coffee will assure great flavor but control the heavy roasted astringency. This recipe was chosen for the 2nd round of Sam Adam's Longshot competition.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner
Brew Type: 

Elkwood Wheat

This is a true American Wheat - not an American take on a Hefe. With a week or two of cold conditioning, it's crystal clear, pours with a fluffy white head, and is very refreshing. I've been brewing this beer, with only minor variations in the hopping, for almost ten years. It has garnered awards in Mayfaire, Pacific Brewers Cup and America's Finest City comps, and a keg of it brought to a summer meeting or a fest almost always gets emptied. It's also higher gravity and higher total IBUs than the style guidelines, which may have something to do with it's consistent success in comps.
Brewed By: 
Kent Fletcher
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Mike Riddel's Tripel Trouble

Winner - Best of Show for the 2001 Mayfaire from Mike Riddle of Napa, CA
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mike Riddle, Jonathan Deeds
Beer Styles: 
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Agave Mead

Todd Etzel's Mead that won Best of Show for the 2000 Mayfaire
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Todd Etzel
Beer Styles: 
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Old Smokey Barleywine

Winner of the grand prize at MCAB II and pretty much a guaranteed medal winner wherever it gets entered!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Tom Wolf
Beer Styles: 
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25th Anniversary IPA

MB Raine's winning IPA recipe brewed for our 25th Anniversary at BJ's Woodland Hills
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
MB Raines
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 


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