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2020 "Late"faire Homebew Competition

Event Date: 
2020-09-12 16:45:00 to 2020-09-30 16:45:00
Entry Window Dates: 
2020-08-31 16:00:00 to 2020-09-12 02:00:00

The Maltose Falcons Mayfaire is one of America's oldest homebrewing competitions and has been running continuously since at least 1979.

Unsurprisingly, the Mayfaire is traditionally held in the Spring so we can celebrate at our May festival. Also unsurprisingly, the Mayfaire this year was pushed back as we tried to figure out the impacts of COVID-19. Now, we're back and we're simultaneously going high tech and old school.
The 42nd annual Maltose Falcons May... Latefaire:

  • High tech - we're conducting our judging via Zoom and electronic score sheets.
  • Old School - we're riffing on those first documented Maltose Falcons Style Guidelines. They are:
    • Ale, Light Colored
    • Ale, Dark Colored
    • Lager, Light Colored
    • Lager, Dark Colored
    • Stout or Bock
    • "Unusual"
    • Hoppy (new)
    • Belgiany (new)

Unlike previous years, this competition will also be smaller - we're restricting it to 100 entries. Entrants will be limited to 5 entries.

You're still competing for that grand prize trophy - "The Bird" - the stuff that homebrew dreams are made of!

Entry registration opens on August 31st and closes no later than September 11th.

Entry Bottles (3 due to remote judging) will need to be at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop by close of business on September 11th.

Entrants are highly encouraged to enter a "Classic Style" note for their entry to assure the judges have the best chance of evaluating the beers.

(Additional prizes, beyond "The Bird" are in the works)


More details at: https://competitions.maltosefalcons.com/2020Mayfaire/
Contact us at vicepresident@maltosefalcons.com



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