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Board Meeting Minutes 11/18/20

Maltose Falcons Board Meeting Minutes

Date: 11/18/2020
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online (Zoom)

In Attendance:
  • Bernard (President)
  • Eric (VP and Competitions)
  • Ed (VP and Competitions)
  • Jeff (Activities)
  • Robert (Activities)
  • Kent (Treasurer)
  • Gavin (Secretary)
  • Ilan (Publicity)
  • Ian (Newsletter)
  • Jenna (Burgermeister)
Not In Attendance:
  • Drew (Grand Hydrometer and Webmaster)
  • Rick (Membership)

The next Board Meeting will be on Dec 16 at 7:00 P.M. and will be conducted via Zoom.



Club balance is around $10K. Expenses coming up are medals for Latefaire and Doug King. We need to work on renewing lapsed memberships, as revenue has fallen off in this area.


Stuffed Sandwich tasting this year will be done online, with Drew arranging the beer selection directly with Marlene. The date has been confirmed for Dec. 12, and beers will only be available to current active members. 


Doug King Memorial looks like it is going to have an abbreviated format because of anticipated social distancing measures.
The board, while still  in the process of  revising competition guidelines for future competitions, is considering adopting BJCP guidelines instead.

Grand Hydro

The December club meeting is scheduled for Dec 6, 2020. We have 2 cases of Janet’s Brown Ale to be distributed for this meeting. This batch was made by Russian River to honor the late Mike “Tasty” McDole, an icon in the homebrewing world.


We have 82 Active members currently. We are working on making members aware of all the perks members have available to them, and also on moving to digital membership cards.


Deadline for submissions: Dec 1.
Next newsletter will carry an article on Latefaire, and also an ad for Doug King.


Merlin cup points will be reset.


Happy Hours: We are working on expanding outside LA county to  Orange county breweries including GreenCheek and Bottle logic.

We would also like to raise awareness for the Home Wine Beer and Cheesemaking Making Shop for their generosity in hosting/housing the club on their facilities. The board is considering tacking on a small surcharge for future Happy Hours, with the funds going to the shop.

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