Tupelo honey, ~14 lbs
Tangerine juice, frozen, then thawed, 5 lbs
Added honey and tangerine juice to 2 gallons of filtered tap water, heated to 145F and held for 20 minutes to pasturize.
Ran off into fermenter, topped up with more filtered tap water to make 4 gallon target volume. Chilled with immersion chiller to yeast pitching temperature, pitched yeast starter, oxygenated for 2 minutes and let it roll.
(see details for tangerine juice above)
WLP720, Sweet Mead
Stepped up to 1200 ml in a starter.
The must measured 27.7 brix on my refractometer before I pitched the yeast.
Will rack to secondary this weekend and then ignore it in my garage for at least 6 months.
Update Nov. 19, 2014. Bottled from secondary today. Whilst it sat in secondary, the gravity dropped to 1.008. It is pretty clear without any fining, so I won't bother. This is a bit less residual sugar than I had hoped for, but a lesson for next time - USE MORE HONEY! See you at the next mead tasting in 2015 and you can taste it then.