How to Be A Good Steward in Just a Few Simple Lessons
Stewarding is fun! Just follow these simple steps to make your day a great one!
- Be attentive to your table.
You will have down times when the judges are busy sampling the entries. Talking with the other stewards during this time is great, but can become distracting. Keep an eye on your table.
- Keep your table well-stocked.
Your table should have ample water, cups, bread rolls, sharpened pencils, paper towels, can opener and a “dump bucket.”
- Have your beer “pull sheet” in hand and make sure you bring them the RIGHT numbered entry that is called for. Many of the judges will number your beer list (pull sheet) ahead of time. Some may not. If not, listen CAREFULLY to the numbers they call out for (the bottle tops and label on it will have the number). You should have your bottles grouped together in one or two ice chests. Retrieve the bottles and lightly place the two pre printed labels to the top of the bottle. The judges will affix these to their score sheets. The judges will then open their bottles when they are ready. A couple of entries may only have one bottle available unfortunately. If you see there is not a second bottle in the ice chest, make sure to let your judges know about this.
- NEVER remove a bottle from the table until the judges tell you they are done with it.
They may want to have a second sampling from it. They may also ask you to recap and save the entry and place it back in the ice chest (in numerical order where it came from). The capper is on the counter near the kitchen.
- After you have gotten the clearance to remove the bottle (one that the judges do not want to save), you will be placing it on a counter which will be marked with signage of where to place it, depending on how it scored. At this point you are free to sample the beer. BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BE ATTENTIVE TO YOUR TABLE. Lots of time, we get involved talking with our fellow stewards and the judges are waiting for you to look over. Keep checking on them.
- Collecting the score sheets.
Retrieve all of your judges’ score sheets when they have finished with them. Make sure the score sheets are filled out completely. Check each sheet to make sure it has been added correctly. If the numbers do not add up, give it back to the judge. DO NOT CORRECT IT YOURSELF. There are also small boxes on the bottom of the sheet that should be filled out. Make sure to check that the judges have filled these out as well. Then take this up to the front table where the scores will be entered into the computer. Last but not least, make sure that the judge has filled out the top part of the sheet where their name is, that the entry number is filled in and the style number as well.
Many of the beers today will be going back for the Best of Show Round.
Once these have been pulled for final judging, the Vice-President will let us know that we are all-clear to take home any leftover entries.
Then and only then feel free to take the leftover beers of the day. Do not start taking any till then please.
If you have any questions, please ask them!
Stewarding is a great day. Enjoy it, and thank you so very much for taking time from your day to help us out. We can’t do this without you.
We hope to see you at all our competitions.