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Brand Spanking New Podcast!

Yesterday, Denny Conn and I debuted our brand spanking new podcast - Experimental Brewing with Denny and Drew!

Go give it a listen today! 

To automatically download episodes as they appear - plug our podcast feed into your favorite podcast software or subscribe via iTunes!

Podcast Feed: http://experimentalbrew.com/podcast.rss
Subscribe at iTunes or Stitcher Today!

Want to support the podcast? Consider signing up for our Patreon! Even $1 per month is a worthy helping addition!

If you have questions, leave a comment or send us an email at podcast@experimentalbrew.com! Seriously, we want feedback because we're rank amateurs at this whole thing and want to get better!

If you have questions you want us to answer on the show (we're almost set to take callers to the air) - drop us a q at questions@experimentalbrew.com!

If you want to help us with experiments - Join the IGOR crew - igor@experimentalbrew.com

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