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Sat, 06/18/2011 - 19:31 — PHB2234
My old econo CFC is on its last legs. Time for a new wort chiller soon, so I thought I'd poll the readers for opinions or recommendations. I'm considering the Blichmann Therminator, or the Dudadiesel B3-12A or possibly the Chillus Convolutus from More Beer. Clearly the Dudadiesel has the edge on price only. Can anyone offer any other reasons for preferring one over any other here?
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Fri, 06/10/2011 - 12:49 — Anonymous
What is an "Anchor Happening"? It's anything cool that you or the club has done throughout the year to spread the word and love of craft beer and homebrewing! For instance - win gold at a competition? let us know! Get written up on the web? Let us know! Leave a comment at the bottom of this page! Why do this?
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Fri, 06/10/2011 - 12:27 — Drew Beechum
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Wed, 06/08/2011 - 10:10 — Drew Beechum
Hi-ho the derry-o, crap that's a ton of kegs and I'm not done yet!
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Mon, 06/06/2011 - 11:44 — Drew Beechum
New Trappist beer on the way!
That's right boys and girls - it looks like the second Trappist brewery outside of Belgium is about to become active. The of Abbey of Monts de Cats is working with the brothers at Chimay to setup an 8th Trappist brewery.
And just after I finished my collection of Trappist glasses! :)
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Wed, 06/01/2011 - 08:47 — rev_joe
Amazon has Charles Bamforths "Beer Is Proof That God Loves Us" for free today. If you have a kindle or the kindle app on your smart phone go download it, because it will be gone by tomorrow.
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Mon, 05/23/2011 - 14:53 — Reenie
Each year when I attend Mayfaire, I think that this year's fest could not possibly top last years. But it always does. My time was perfect. Had everyone I love there. My boyfriend and my two best friends in the universe, Helen and Gina, accompanied by Gina's musician husband, Carl. Steve and I arrived on Friday, set up camp and had a great dinner with Richard, Susan, Kent and Martin. Beanie got his satanic fire machine going and the evening was warm and the beer was fabulous.
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Sat, 05/14/2011 - 13:21 — rev_joe
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Fri, 05/06/2011 - 20:34 — Drew Beechum
Congrats to the following Falcons for placing in the 1st round in the AHA NHC and advancing to the second round of the competition!
3rd Place Class 4c - Sherwin Antonio
3rd Place Class 9c - Hank Hofmann, Rick Kinkel
1st Place Class 23a - John Aitchison
1st Place Class 24c - John Aitchison
3rd Place Class 28d - John Aitchison
Full results here!
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Thu, 04/21/2011 - 14:34 — BexterK
Anyone interested in this? National commercial if you book!!!
Male or Female / Principal / All Ethnicities / 25 - 60
REAL brew masters that either work at a brewery/ microbrewery or small restaurant brewery that run/work with the brewing processes. If this is not you but you know someone that does fit this description please feel free to pass this on to them. They can submit (with a picture) to CastingAnthem@gmail.com Thank you!
SAG Scale - Poss double scale -waiting on legal
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Tue, 04/12/2011 - 20:11 — David Lester
I know, to love and hate Simcoe Hops is oxymoronic. However, Simcoe holds both a love and a hate relationship with me. I have made a great effort at discovering the qualities of Simcoe hops. But in my many brews I discovered that Simcoe has both a good and a bad side.
I have tried Simcoe hops in both bittering and at flame out. This is where a huge difference and the oxymoronic paradigm transpires.
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Mon, 04/04/2011 - 17:39 — Jeff Niebaum
Hey all,
For those very few who have met me I will say this......... I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Deschutes Brewery!! On April 13th Veronica Vega (A Deschutes Brewer) will be coming to the Surly Goat, craft brew tavern extraordinaire, and letting us enjoy Jubel 2010 & Lost Barrels of Mirror Mirror!!!!!
The following is the link to the event and I'm posting from the Deschutes website as well:
Wed, 4/13
Specialty Beer Tasting at Surly Goat (5-9pm)
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Sun, 04/03/2011 - 19:33 — Reenie
Hi everyone. For those of you who couldn't attend the membership meeting, here is what you missed. Read on and sign-up for those events!!!
Today was Bock day as we called in Bocks for our COC competition. Our winner was Erick Garcia! We had 50 people at our meeting today and it went something like this.
Being that spring is in the air and that our COC was today. Drew treated us to the wonderful world of Bocks. All kinds of Bocks. There were as follows:
1. Einbecker Bock
2. Rogue Dead Guy