

Thanks to Jay Ankeney for writing such a great article about our Falcons Happy Hour in the May/June edition of Zymurgy magazine. 

Read the Article (AHA Members / Non-AHA Members)

Don't forget to sign up for an AHA Membership and support the organization that supports our hobby!

New Wort Chiller Time at PHB

My old econo CFC is on its last legs. Time for a new wort chiller soon, so I thought I'd poll the readers for opinions or recommendations. I'm considering the Blichmann Therminator, or the Dudadiesel B3-12A or possibly the Chillus Convolutus from More Beer. Clearly the Dudadiesel has the edge on price only. Can anyone offer any other reasons for preferring one over any other here?

2012 Anchor Happenings

What is an "Anchor Happening"? It's anything cool that you or the club has done throughout the year to spread the word and love of craft beer and homebrewing! For instance - win gold at a competition? let us know! Get written up on the web? Let us know! Leave a comment at the bottom of this page! Why do this?

Kudos to Ladyface!

Ladyface gets some love today from the LA Times Brand X group and the Falcons get some mention too!

The Craft Beer Chronicles: Ladyface Ale Companie brings its brews to L.A.

A packaging we will go, a packaging we will go.

Hi-ho the derry-o, crap that's a ton of kegs and I'm not done yet!

New Trappist Brewery on the Way

New Trappist beer on the way!

That's right boys and girls - it looks like the second Trappist brewery outside of Belgium is about to become active. The of Abbey of Monts de Cats is working with the brothers at Chimay to setup an 8th Trappist brewery.

And just after I finished my collection of Trappist glasses! :)

Free e-book today

Amazon has Charles Bamforths "Beer Is Proof That God Loves Us" for free today. If you have a kindle or the kindle app on your smart phone go download it, because it will be gone by tomorrow.


Strand Brewers' Beach Bar Bike Ride

The Strand Brewers have invited the Falcons along on their annual biking pub "crawl" down on the strand.

For details email Jay Ankeney at jayankeney@mac.com

Mayfaire Happened/ Rapture Didn't! What Could Be Bettah?

Each year when I attend Mayfaire, I think that this year's fest could not possibly top last years. But it always does. My time was perfect. Had everyone I love there. My boyfriend and my two best friends in the universe, Helen and Gina, accompanied by Gina's musician husband, Carl. Steve and I arrived on Friday, set up camp and had a great dinner with Richard, Susan, Kent and Martin. Beanie got his satanic fire machine going and the evening was warm and the beer was fabulous.

Check out my brew day!

You can see live video of my brew today @ http://evolvedcreativity.com/go-live

AHA 1st Round Winners Announced!

Congrats to the following Falcons for placing in the 1st round in the AHA NHC and advancing to the second round of the competition!

3rd Place Class 4c - Sherwin Antonio
3rd Place Class 9c - Hank Hofmann, Rick Kinkel
1st Place Class 23a - John Aitchison
1st Place Class 24c - John Aitchison
3rd Place Class 28d - John Aitchison

Full results here!

SCHB Fest April 29 & 30 Camping info

The reservation is under THE MALTOSE FALCONS. We are in the "Egret Campground" which is to the right after entering thru the gate.

All vehicles per (tent) campsite will be charged $17 per night AT THE FRONT GATE. Forewarned is forearmed.

I will have a list posted on my RV as to where each person is camping.

I will be publishing a list for the gate, However based on past years they do not pay attention to it due to the amount of people coming thru.

My Cell# is 818 274-9980 in case people want to call ahead on Friday!

John Kaufman

Event Types: 


For all the mead makers out there! This is a historical recipe taken from a 1500's source. The recipe is verbatim from the book. Notice how the author determines gravity, by the must floating an egg!!! The book has been used for historical research in brewing and cookery. The book is available for downloading at Project Guttenberg (www.gutenberg.org). Title: The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
Brew Date: 
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Express Mild

The SCHF is in 6 days. Can I get a beer ready in time?
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 


Anyone interested in this? National commercial if you book!!!

Male or Female / Principal / All Ethnicities / 25 - 60
REAL brew masters that either work at a brewery/ microbrewery or small restaurant brewery that run/work with the brewing processes. If this is not you but you know someone that does fit this description please feel free to pass this on to them. They can submit (with a picture) to CastingAnthem@gmail.com Thank you!
SAG Scale - Poss double scale -waiting on legal

Summer Even Bloodier Summer Ale

No blood spilt this time through (or lost fingers), this is an updated batch based off remnant notes from the first time through. Plenty of bright American hop character with the zest of orange and tangerine to boost the citrus tone.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum

Izzy's Wheat Wine

Every year on my birthday I brew up a Barley-wine, but then have to wait several months to drink it, way after my birthday. So, this year I brewed a Wheat-wine (Barley-wine with a large proportion of wheat) six months before the date to make sure it was done in time. It was done nice and early…too bad it didn’t last! I heard the term “Wheat Wine” thrown around, so I did some research on the topic/style. The best resource I found was “Brewing with Wheat” by Stan Hieronymus. Chapter 11 is entirely on the subject, and titled Two Recipes for Wheat Wine (pgs. 141-145). It’s a fun “Style” in progress, so feel free to do what you want with the recipe: Ferment with any yeast or different types of Wheat Malt… Also, Wheat-wines will age differently and quicker then normal barley-wines… probably because of the wheat!
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Israel Arrieta
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

My Love/Hate relationship with Simcoe hops

I know, to love and hate Simcoe Hops is oxymoronic. However, Simcoe holds both a love and a hate relationship with me. I have made a great effort at discovering the qualities of Simcoe hops. But in my many brews I discovered that Simcoe has both a good and a bad side.

I have tried Simcoe hops in both bittering and at flame out. This is where a huge difference and the oxymoronic paradigm transpires.

Chipotle Porter

I have been brewing chili beers for the last 18 years. My first chili beer took 3rd at a home brew competition. Many types of chilies can be used, fresh or dried. Depending on the type and amount used will determine how much of a bite the beer will have. The smokiness of the chipotles will complement the base porter recipe. Enjoy with BBQ, burgers, or spicy Oriental foods.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Mark Poliner, Kent Fletcher, Patrick Matthews, Adam Guant, Deanne Davis, Anthony Bautista
Brew Type: 

Golden Goblet Gruit Ale

Gruit ales are an ancient brew, that were and are made without hops, instead they would use herbs. Gruits were brewed all over the European continent between 700 and 1700 AD. The typical Gruit herbs, the three most used were, Yarrow (flowers and stems), Marsh or Wild Rosemary, and Myrica or Sweet Gale. The main reason that the Gruit Herbs were replaced by hops in brewing was that hops were a better antiseptic, meaning that they retarded the growth of bacteria and preserved the ale longer then the herbs did. Remember that there was no refrigeration in those days and a batch of brew would last only so long with just alcohol and the herbs or even the hops to prevent spoilage. The other very significant difference between hops and Gruit herbs is that the hops have a sedative value to them (they make you sleepy) and the Gruit herbs have psychoactive properties that wake you up. That is why we always heard the tales that during the renaissance they would have great bawdy parties for days on end (wait, that’s what the Falcons do, never mind). This Gruit won the Gold medal at the 2011 Doug King Memorial Competition as well as coming in 1st runners up to Best of Show in that Comp. I think this was the best Gruit that I have ever brewed and I have brewed 21 of them.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook, Cookie Kaplan, Nicolai Abramson
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Falcon's Gyre

A new hop blend was released in honor of fallen brewer Glen Falconer. The American blend is oriented toward west pales and IPAs, so who am I to argue? This one is a Rye IPA.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Drew Beechum
Brew Type: 

Beer Tasting at Wades Wines (3 New Breweries)

New Beer Tasting!

With our remodel and expanded beer section we have brought in a lot of new breweries and new beers. We are going to take this time to explore these new beers that grace our shelves. This tasting will cover all styles. Come start off spring by discovering a new favorite.
Some of what we will be pouring:
Iron Fist Brewing
Upright Brewing
Saint Somewhere Brewing Company
Tasting fee $5.00
Tasting Hours: Thursday, April 7th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Event Types: 


Hey all,

For those very few who have met me I will say this......... I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Deschutes Brewery!! On April 13th Veronica Vega (A Deschutes Brewer) will be coming to the Surly Goat, craft brew tavern extraordinaire, and letting us enjoy Jubel 2010 & Lost Barrels of Mirror Mirror!!!!!

The following is the link to the event and I'm posting from the Deschutes website as well:

Wed, 4/13
Specialty Beer Tasting at Surly Goat (5-9pm)

April 3rd Membership Meeting Minutes

Hi everyone. For those of you who couldn't attend the membership meeting, here is what you missed. Read on and sign-up for those events!!!

Today was Bock day as we called in Bocks for our COC competition. Our winner was Erick Garcia! We had 50 people at our meeting today and it went something like this.
Being that spring is in the air and that our COC was today. Drew treated us to the wonderful world of Bocks. All kinds of Bocks. There were as follows:
1. Einbecker Bock
2. Rogue Dead Guy


Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Bill Heath, John Rasmussen, Chris Moon
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Glen Heather Scottish Export

I got the idea for this beer after reading the book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, and the Scottish heather beer Froach. This beer is malty with a pleasing bitterness, and a spicy/fruity floral aroma from the dried heather flowers. It is one of the favorites I rotate on tap at home.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Brew Type: 

End of the Rainbow Irish Red

This was originally brewed for the 2010 April shop brew. I brewed up a second batch a couple of months later at home. This beer won Best of Show at the 2010 Octoberfest Competition. It is very malty with mild bitterness and little hop flavor or aroma. It has a pleasing red color from the small addition of roasted barley added to the grist.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

Wickedly Witty Ginger

This is my Belgian White Ale with an addition of dried ginger. The ginger adds a nice spice that compliments the corriander and bitter orange peel. It is very refreshing anytime, and I have requests to keep it on tap all the time.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Diane Van Wagner
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 

June Club Meeting

There will not be a club meeting for the month of May due to the many club events that month.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 5th. at the Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop in Woodland Hills.
Are you new to brewing? Have you been brewing for a while, and are you looking for a group of fellow home brewers to hang out with? Come on by the shop for a fun filled afternoon with The Maltose Falcons. We are the oldest home brew club in the United States.

Board Roles: 

New grains recipe contest

The Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop has expanded their grain selection. There are ten new grains to choose from. The complete listing is at homebeerwinecheese.com.
John is sponsering a New Grain Recipe competion. Anyone who signs up at the shop will receive 25% off of their recipe purchase. You must use 2 or more grains per a recipe of your own design. The recipe can be any style.

English Mild

I've brewed this beer many times and it has placed in every competition I have entered it in. I brew this beer twice a year because it doesn't stick around very long, it is a favorite around my house.
Brew Date: 
Brewed By: 
Craig Frump
Beer Styles: 
Brew Type: 


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