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2001 Oktoberfest Brew Session #3 - Kevin's Lost Hops Milk Stout

What happens when you forget your hops while brewing? Nothing much, if you're surrounded by the Falcons!
Brewed By: 
Kevin Baranowski
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Recipe Category: 
Batch Size: 
10.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
90 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.056 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.020 F.G.
26.0 IBUs

13.0 lbs Crisp Maris Otter
2.0 lbs Carapils
2.0 lbs British Crystal 55L
1.5 lbs Hugh Bairds Chocolate Malt
0.5 lbs Hugh Bairds Black Malt
28 oz Powdered Lactose

Mashing Instructions: 

Sac Rest 150 F 90 minutes Strike


2.0 oz Saaz Pellet 90 minutes


Wyeast 1028 London Ale

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Kevin's stout brewing had one of the better stories of the day as our intrepid leader realized he had forgotten the Target hops slated for the recipe (1.5 oz). So with a little bit of scrounging Kevin secured an extra 2 ounces of Saaz hops from the Rhudes and proceed to make a Saaz hopped Milk Stout.

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