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Board Rye Barrel Barleywine

A classic, big bad barleywine brewed by the the Falcons Board members in 25 gallon batches. The first two batches were brewed in the end of 2010 to fill a fresh Rye Whiskey Barrel from Heaven Hill Distillery. Our friend Pat Rue of the Bruery in Placentia was instrumental in helping us to obtain this great barrel. Since its initial filling, the barrel has had portions drawn off for the 2011 and 2012 AHA Conferences (San Diego and Seattle), the So Cal Homebrew Fest, and Falcon fests. It has been refilled (25 gallons at a time) three times since then (as of February 2013, with another 25 gallons fermenting.
Brewed By: 
The Board
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Batch Size: 
25.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.115 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.020 F.G.
12.5% ABV
70.0 IBUs
17.0 SRM


%          Amount          Name                     Origin             Potential         SRM

90.1      86.00 lbs.       Pale Malt(2-row)     America        1.036                 2         

4.2        4.00 lbs.         Carastan Malt         Great Britian 1.035                 34           

4.2        4.00 lbs.         Crystal 75L             Great Britian 1.034                 75

1.0        1.00 lbs.         Special B Malt         Belgium        1.030                120

0.5         0.50 lbs.        Chocolate Malt        America        1.029                350

Mashing Instructions: 

Single infusion mash at 148 F for 60 minutes.

Mash out at 168 F, rest at mash out for 20mionutes


   Amount     Name                              Form    Alpha  IBU  Boil Time
  2.25 oz.    Cascade                           Pellet   5.00   8.4  60 min.
  3.00 oz.    Columbus                          Pellet  14.40  32.1  60 min.
  3.75 oz.    Centennial                        Pellet   9.10  25.4  60 min.
  0.75 oz.    Cascade                           Pellet   5.00   0.5  1 min.
  1.91 oz.    Centennial                        Pellet   9.10   2.2  1 min.
  1.00 oz.    Columbus                          Pellet  14.40   1.8  1 min.


Safale US05

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Brfewed on the 1 barrel Mk II Club System

Slow sparged to collect 30 gallons of wort, boiled down to 27 before adding bittering hops and starting 60 minute boil clock.

Well oxygenated with straight 02 before pitching yeast.

Binary Data Board Bourbon Barrel Barleywine.rec30.81 KB


Drew Beechum's picture

Thanks for dropping therecipe!

EthenWithAnE's picture

An excellent barleywine, congrats to the brewers!

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