Pilsener Weyermann 35.0 lbs 42.7%
Pilsener Dingemans 35.0 lbs 42.7%
Aromatic Malt Dingemans 1.5 lbs 1.8%
Crystal 20L 4.5 lbs 5.5%
Demerara Sugar 6.0 lbs 7.3%
Acid Rest 122°F 20 minutes Infusion 23.75G
Saccharification 150°F 60 HERMS
Mashout 168°F 15 HERMS
Sparge 168°F 20
Styrian Goldings Pellet 5.25% 6.0 oz 90
Saaz Pellet 3.75% 5.0 oz 10
Saaz Pellet 3.75% 5.0 oz 0
Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes Ale
Wyeast 3864 Canadian / Belgian Ale
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity Ale
The January 2006 meeting saw the return of three versions of the Bobby Belgian for the tasting. Amazing differences between the three different forms. Sirgei's using the Canadian/Belgian yeast had a funky musty phenolic aroma and a sweeter finish. George Mahoney's (also using the Canadian/Belgian yeast) was more subdued due to George's use of a cool fermentation profile. Steve Cook's version using the Wyeast Trappist High Gravity and a more aggressive fermentation schedule (high 70's) yielded a spicy dry brew that was clear of fusel alcohols. Of the three, Steve's was voted the tops and won him the mug and the slot as our entrant into the AHA Club Only for Belgians.
That entry in the COC took the 1st place out of 50 beers, a great brew that demonstrated the importance of the Yeast (especially in a Belgian) and fermentation temp.
With the Belgian Golden Strong Ale category, that COC was a shot in the dark, but the Falcons came out victorious.