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Elkwood Wheat

This is a true American Wheat - not an American take on a Hefe. With a week or two of cold conditioning, it's crystal clear, pours with a fluffy white head, and is very refreshing. I've been brewing this beer, with only minor variations in the hopping, for almost ten years. It has garnered awards in Mayfaire, Pacific Brewers Cup and America's Finest City comps, and a keg of it brought to a summer meeting or a fest almost always gets emptied. It's also higher gravity and higher total IBUs than the style guidelines, which may have something to do with it's consistent success in comps.
Brewed By: 
Kent Fletcher
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Classic Style: 
American Wheat Ale
Recipe Category: 
Batch Size: 
10.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.060 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.010 F.G.
6.6% ABV
41.0 IBUs
3.8 SRM

12# Domestic Wheat Malt
8# Domestic 2-Row Pale Malt

Mashing Instructions: 

Single infusion mash, 151 sach rest for 60 minutes, 168 mash out for 15 minutes


Columbus 14.4%, .75 oz for 60 minutes
Amarillo 8.10, .75 oz for 20 minutes
Columbus 14.4%, .50 oz for 20 miuntes
Amarillo 8.10, 1.0 oz for 0 minutes
Cascade 5.25%, 1.0 oz for 0 minutes


Wyeast 1056

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Always a good idea to pitch at a generous rate. I typically grow up a stirred starter, though I have pitched this beer right from the Activator pack with good results. Oxygenating the wort is also a must.

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