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Hop Harvest Ale

For the September '15 shop brew session, I contacted a friend who had a small hop yard and he brought up a shipment of some dried and some freshly harvested hops to use for this brew. I created a recipe for a rich amber ale that uses these fresh hops in the finishing stages to maximize aroma contribution and because we didn't have lab numbers for alpha acids or cohumulone.
Brewed By: 
Cullen Davis and shop brew crew with Rafael Ramos, hop grower
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Classic Style: 
Recipe Category: 
Batch Size: 
40.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.060 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.014 F.G.
6.2% ABV
45.0 IBUs
17.0 SRM

Golden Promise 69 lbs.
Special B 2.5 lbs.
Victory 2 lbs.
Chocolate 2.5 lbs.

Mashing Instructions: 

Single infusion mash, 148°F.


(All whole dry unless noted)
Cascade 2 oz. Mash hop
Columbus (CTZ) 4 oz. @60 minutes
Simcoe 2 oz. @60 minutes
Simcoe 2 oz. @15 minutes
Chinook 1 lb. whole, fresh-picked at knockout
Columbus 2 oz. dry hop in secondary

Extra Ingredients: 

Wyeast 1056, pre-culutred starter.

Special Instructions / Notes: 
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