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Mike Riddel's Tripel Trouble

Winner - Best of Show for the 2001 Mayfaire from Mike Riddle of Napa, CA
Brewed By: 
Mike Riddle, Jonathan Deeds
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Batch Size: 
10.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.086 O.G.
19.8 IBUs
7.3 SRM

24.0 lbs Belgian Pilsner Malt
2.0 lbs Aromatic Malt
1.0 lbs Munich Malt
3.0 lbs Pale Candi Sugar

Mashing Instructions: 

Protein Rest 132 F 15 minutes Infusion 6.8 gallons
Sac Rest 150 F 90 minutes Direct


1.0 oz Hallertauer Whole 4.2% AA 60 minutes
1.0 oz Hallertauer Whole 4.2% AA 45 minutes
2.0 oz Hallertauer Whole 4.2% AA 15 minutes
0.5 oz Hallertauer Whole 4.2% AA 5 minutes

Extra Ingredients: 

1 Teaspoons CaCl2


Wyeast 1214 Belgian Ale

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Mike Riddle graciously donated his recipe on a dime after MayFaire.

The mashing schedule starts with the strike with the 24lbs of Pilsner malt. After the 15 minute rest, the aromiatic and munich are added for the 150F rest.

Mike also performed a bit of kettle carmelization on the first runnings during sparge.

Mike's notes indicate a ferment at 68F for 4 weeks and aged for a year before entry.

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