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Oho! Orange Honey Red Ale

This unique red ale is the inspiration of Cookie Kaplan my assistant brewer as well as my every day honey. Speaking of honey that was a big part of the inception of this brew. The Orange Blossom honey in this red ale spurred us on to add a couple of cups of crushed Valencia Oranges. Both the honey and the oranges went into the boil at flame out to preserve more of the flavor and aroma. It turned out as a medium hopped red ale with a slight orange flavor and aroma as well as a distinct honey presence, not actual honey flavor but a sweetness that complements the malt flavors. It was good enough to win the Best of Meeting award at the December 2011 Club meeting.
Brewed By: 
Steve Cook & Cookie Kaplan
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Classic Style: 
American Red Ale
Recipe Category: 
Batch Size: 
6.5 gallons
Boil Time: 
90 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.062 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.006 F.G.
7.4% ABV
25.6 IBUs
14.7 SRM

8 lbs - Pale Malt (2 row) Uk (3 SRM) 54.2%
2 lbs - Munich Malt (9 SRM)
1 lbs - Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40 SRM)
1 lbs - Wheat Malt, Dark (9 SRM)
12 Oz - Caramel/Crystal Malt - 120L (120 SRM)
2 Cups - Crushed Fresh Valencia Oranges
2 lbs - Orange Blossom Honey

Mashing Instructions: 

Single Infusion Mash;
Mash-in with 19.25 qts of liquor at 161.7 F to hit 152 F for a 90 min rest.
Mash-out by heating to 168.0 for 20 min.


0.75 oz - East Kent Goldings [4.5%] - Boil 60.0 min.
1.00 oz - Hallertauer [6.00%] - Boil 20 min.
0.75 oz - Cascade [5.90%] - Boil 5 min.

Extra Ingredients: 

1.30 items - Whirlfloc - Boil 20 min.
3.50 tsp - Yeeast Nutrient - Boil 20.0 min.


Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05)[50.28 ml]

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Add the honey and the fresh orange in to the boil at flame out.


robholman42's picture

This beer sounds like it would go perfectly with a wing sauce recipe I have from the Tupelo Honey Cafe in Asheville, NC.

1/2 cup orange blossom honey

2 Tbsp orange marmalade

3/4 cup hot pepper sauce (Franks works well with this)

1 1/2 tsp smoked jalapenos (or ground chipolte if you don't feel like smoking them yourself)

1 tsp unsalted butter

Puree everything except butter in food processor until smooth. Transfer to saucepan, bring to simmer, and cook for 1 min.  Add butter and stir until melted.  Serve immediately or refrigerate for later use. 

Super easy and incredibly delicious.  Perfect blend of sweet and heat.


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