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Marriott Warner Center AAA Rate is a tad cheaper than Block Room Rate for 35th Anniversary Party

Hey guys . . . just wanted to let you know that if you have AAA Card the rate is a tad cheaper than the Maltose Falcon's Block room rate for October 17th.  $107 + tax  (Anyone over 62 can get the room for $101/night so it pays to be old . . . .Beanie missed it by a mere 3 months)

Check-in is 4:00 but if you request an early check-in they will try to accommodate that and check-out time is 12:00 the next day.

Oh, and here's the phone number for reservations:  1-818-887-4800 OR Toll Free:  1-800-MARRIOTT

So, with that in mind . . . . Beanie and I already have a room for Oct. 17th

See y'all at the party!!!


Drew Beechum's picture

Go be all fancy pants and efficient at finding deals. Sheesh!


Great job on the rate and just think, next time around Beanie will be perfectly legal to win his oldster prize! 

sallylala's picture

Marriott is also having a "Global Rate Break" deal and I just got the cost of the room lowered to $95!

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