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Great meeting - What an eye-opener

Ok - I have been homebrewing for a little over 2 years but it was my first Maltose Falcon Club meeting yesterday.

I am amazed.  I thought I made decent beer but was overwhelmed at the different styles and quality of tastings.  I am also impressed about the collective knowledge in the room.  I don't know why I did'nt attend until now.  I'll be back for sure.

Thank you Beanie for the smoked grain.  Living in SCV - I need to come over and check out your brew-sculpture some day.

Hey, whoever made that "california" mild with cascade -  can you post the recipe?  I have made a couple milds so far (inspired by Steve at the 2008 SCHF) but really like the one tasted yesterday.

Later, Larry


Drew Beechum's picture

 Larry, ain't it a blast? It's also good to know you're not alone in the beer obsession


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