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Okay, time to put on your Drinking Caps: White Russian vs Caucasian...


It has come to light recently that there seems to be a huge controversy over the two names associated to a wonderful concoction imbibed by The Dude, (Mr. Lebowski), known as a White Russian, (a.k.a. a Caucasian). So, those of you who are in the know, and budding mixologists as well, I ask of you: What is the main difference between a White Russian and a Caucasian? Both call for Russian Vodka, a coffee liqueur such as Kahlua or Tia Maria and a dairy by-product such as milk, half and half or cream... So, I challenge you, tell me the difference between these two libations... Grizz


Drew Beechum's picture

Grizz, as far as I know... they're the same damn thing. After all, I can't imagine the Dude holding two cream based beverages in his heart at the same time!

Skipp Shelly's picture

Basically no difference, but caucasian's should always be made with half and half, white russian typically will always be cream, though ive ordered plenty of w.r.'s that were made with half and half and other milk products as well. think of it as a style and sub-style kind of thing ;) have to go rewatch the big lebowski now to remember what he was using.

Grizzbar's picture

Rifling through my bartender books I have come to the conclusion that there is one dstinct difference: White Russian - unstirred, Caucasian - stirred! One recipe has a White Russian served in a cocktail glass with the Vodka & Kahlua at the bottom with cream over the top, another has it in a "rocks" glass served with milk over the top. That's why I like Caucasians, you can mix a whole pitcher of them up for a crowd! GRIZZ

Drew Beechum's picture

 That's a strange notion there Grizz.. When I bartended we always stirred a white russian. Not that they were that common a drink!

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