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Club Meeting Notes- February 2016

Members Meeting

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Location: Home Beer & Cheese Making Shop


Agenda Topics

  1. Grand Hydro: Lagers Part 1

    1. Trumer Pils from Berkeley from Trumer Brewery in Berkeley, CA 5% abv

    2. Bitburger Premium Beer, 4.5% abv

    3. Weins Brewering Co. Deadpan pilsner, 5.2% abv

    4. Eagle Rock Brewery Umlaut pilsner, 4.8% abv

    5. Mike Hess Grazias Vienna-Style Cream Ale, 6.3% abv

    6. Krusovice Imperial Czech Beer, 5% abv

  2. Grand Hydro’s People’s Choice Winner: Krusovice Imperial  Czech Beer

  3. AHA Conference will be in Baltimore this year

  4. Competition Info:

    1. Pacific Brewers Cup congrats to Dana, John, Izzy and Andy!

    2. Doug King Memorial Competition results are online and metals will be sent out! Please check that out if you entered into the competition.

    3. Jeff Sanders Memorial Homebrew Competition on Saturday, March 12th. Deadline for entry submission & drop off is this Saturday 2/27. Be sure to register as a judge or steward too!

    4. Romancing the Beer Competition will be on Saturday, February 27th.

  5. After years of struggling to purchase hats, we have them in stock for a low low price of $15!

  6. Upcoming Events:

    1. Mayfaire- Will be judged at the end of April. Registration information will be displayed on the website.

    2. DTLA Beer Tour- Save the Date! April 16th at 10-6pm. Registration information will be posted on our website and other social media outlets.

    3. SCHF- If you are planning on attending on April 29-30th, please make sure to purchase your CHA membership. Sign up and camping information will be posted on our website.

  7. Upcoming Shop Brew Session:

    1. Sunday, February 21st with Bernard

    2. March Shop Brew is to be determined. Make sure to check the website out for details.

  8. Homebrew Winner: Andy Z. Baltic Porter Barrel Aged

  9. Our annual Chili Cook-Off Winners are:

    1. First Place- Jenna’s Steak Chili

    2. Second Place- Jess Van D’s Vegan Chili

    3. Third Place was a TIE! - Tiffany Ashrafi’s Pork Rib Chili and Kyrsten Beidelman’s Beef Jerky Chili

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