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Beer Documentary Screening

Here's a message from Allisia Russo, the girl that was filming @ Oktoberfest and at the shop brew:



Hey everyone!

  The time has come-- our documentary Home Brew will be shown on the big screen this Friday, Dec. 3rd at 7:00 PM.   We'd like to invite everyone who was a part of the documentary or who supported us.  It's screening in Norris Cinema Theater onUSC's campus.  I'll attach a map below.   We'd love to have our friends, family, and stars come see the finished product on screen.     Afterwards, Kat and I were thinking of heading to Traditions, a bar on USC's campus (and also on the map...very close) for a small afterparty get together.   Hope you all can make it!  If you have any questions about how to get there, feel free to call/email/text me.   Best,


Alysia Russo



Sir-G's picture

It must had been fun.

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