
You are here

January, 2010

v. 36
i. 1
Newsletter Date: 

 Editor’s Note 2

From the President 3

Burgermeister’s Kitchen 4

Publicity Report/Shop Brew 5

Shop Brew Report 5

Grand Hydrometer 6

Stuffed Sandwich Special Report 7

Meeting Minutes 9

Calendar of Events 10

PDF icon B&N_1-10.pdf0 bytes


Reenie's picture

Hey Cullen,

Here is my question for the new and so interesting "Ask the Brewer...."  column

Dear Ask the Brewer,

This is a two-parter Porter question. Having discovered just how much I enjoy a Porter, I was wondering if you could tell me the

subtle and not-so-subtle differences between brewing an American Porter and a Baltic Porter.  Second question, when brewing a

cocoa-vanilla porter, are there any other choices besides cocoa nibs to put in your brew that would produce the same quality flavor that

the cocoa nibs do?


New to Brewin'

CTDFalconer's picture

Hey New,

That's a good question.  Our knowledgeable Brewer will answer you question in the February newsletter.  Stay tuned!

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