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February 2016 Brews & News

v. 42
i. 2
Newsletter Date: 

Beer season is in high gear!
Hey Falcons! If you haven't noticed, beer season is in high gear already. After our own Doug King
competition kicked things off, this weekend sees Romancing the Beer followed soon after by the LA Belgian
Beer Challenge, Jeff Sanders Memorial, America's Finest City and the 1st Round National Homebrew
Competition. Of course right on the heels of those competitions is the start of Festival Season with SCHF,
Mayfaire Festival and Competition, LA Beer Week and much much more. So basically it's time for all of you
Falcons to get brewing!
Anyway, Febrewary is a short month, so of course that's my excuse for a shorter than usual newsletter. As
usual though, I could always use your help on the content front, so please send me any articles for the next
issue to: newsletter@maltosefalcons.com. Until next month...

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