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Monthly Club Meeting

Time to celebrate beer and the month of April!

Our Grand Hydrometer will be rocking with a Bock tasting to get us rolling. Hear the story of Bock beer. Special Note: if you have a homebrewed Bock that you'd like considered for the club's entry in the AHA Club Only Competition, bring it! We'll choose the best to go on and do battle with clubs across the country!

Our burgermeisters will be offering a home cooked lunch

And of course there'll be beer galore for the tasting!

Board Roles: 

Membership Meeting - March 6th

Time for our monthly meeting at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop!

Join us in the clubhouse as we sample homebrews, have a fine lunch and try a fine selection of Barleywines!

Meeting starts at 12! Everyone is welcome to join us.

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

June Membership Meeting

Meeting Meeting Meeting!

Come to the Shop at Noon and meet the crew!

Style of the Meeting: Beers of the South!

Technical Presentation: Water Part Deux with John Palmer.

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

March Club Meeting

Come down to the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop on Sunday March 7th for a taste of homebrew wonderfulness. (The public is welcome - all we ask is that you like good beer and be respectful of the brewers presenting their wares)

If you have a BJCP Class 10 American Ale (aka American Pale Ale, American Amber Ale or American Brown Ale) bring it to the meeting for evaluation as the Falcons' entry into the AHA Club Only Competition for March / April. Entry is free and you get to represent the club!

Board Roles: 

February Club Meeting

Come on down to the Shop and enter the Chili Cookoff!

This month's Grand Hydrometer presentation - Cans (That's Right - Cans!) (Also bring British Brown Ales for judging for the AHA Club Only!)

PLEASE NOTE - The Meeting is on a Saturday - After all we don't want to interfere with the Superbowl!

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

January Club Meeting

Come on down to the Shop to celebrate the New Year with Beer!

This month's Grand Hydrometer presentation - Barleywines! (and Stuck Fermentations)

PLEASE NOTE - The Meeting is on the Second Sunday of the month due to the New Year's Holiday!

Lunch will be provided by the Burgermeister crew as always. $6 for a plate of delicious food (last month was Tamales)

Bring your homebrew to share or just bring your self to taste!

Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

December Membership Meeting

Membership Meeting!

Come joing the club as we taste Holiday ales and other fine homebrews.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Lunch will be served for a nominal fee

Please bring an unopened toy to the meeting for our donation to the LAFD's Sparks of Love


Board Roles: 
Event Types: 

Hall of Presidents

Many are called, but few serve and more successfully dodge the duties before them. For those too slow to run or those dedicated to the Falcons' cause, the Presidency awaits. Despite the independent nature of the group, the President sets the tone for the Falcons' year. Some are more ambitious than others, some just want to have fun. All of them have kept the club running and fueled with the beers. Thanks for the service (and the grab of the 20% discount)

Board Roles: 

November Club Meeting

Remember, Remember the first of November, the Falcons next meeting day.

Style of the Month: SOUR BEERS

All interested brewers (and potential brewers) are invited to join us at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop in Woodland Hills, CA for a beer tour! Lunch will be served for ~$6. Bring your homebrew to share!

Don't forget to adjust for the change away from Daylight Savings!


Board Roles: 
Event Types: 


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