Did you know that as a member of the Club, you get access to our sometimes, mostly annual Grain Buy? Well, you do and it's on for this year!
What is the Grain Buy? Well as a member you can grab 10 lbs of any grain from the shop with a few caveats - you're currently a paid up member, the beer you make comes to a festival (aka SCHF, Mayfaire, Sunfest/Lake Arrowhead, Oktoberfest) and we haven't hit our 200lbs limit. That's right - this deal is good for the first 20 members. Multiple members can band together and do a bigger brew, but make sure that beer still comes to the club festivals.
To Claim
- Go to the shop
- Weigh out 10lbs of grain (any mix)
- Take your grain to the register.
- Prove your membership to the gatekeepers and sign the sheet, including where you're bringing the beer!
The Rules
For currently paid club members only:
- 10 lbs of any grain mix for free.
- Beer must be brought to a festival this year