With the 40th Anniversary Party Coming Up - We need to know - what are you going to bring to the party? We expected to see a very full and kickass selection of homebrew! PLEASE bring your kegs early! See note on Party event page above.
Leave us a comment below like this:
Joe Falcon says:
I'm bringing kegs of
- Mild (for the handpumps)
- Killer IPA
- Pilsner
and some bottles of my Cherry Bomb Mead
Matt Myerhoff
Falcons Board Publicity Director
Bringing one 5 gal. keg of "Top 40" English Old Ale from Nov. 2013 Club Shop Brew (13% ABV)
I'm bringing kegs of:
It would be great to know all of the CLUB Brew Names so Susan can pre-make the labels for the Anniversary Beers going on the bar.
Also, if you list the "name/style" of beers brought she can pre-make labels for those as well. Thanks!
I'm not coming but I am donating a keg of
•. Impotent Imp Oatmeal Stout
I'll give it to Beanie to bring to the event.
I was planning on brewing something in the next week or two. I'm seeing a lot of the word "imperial" in these signups... I'm wondering if I should make something sessionable?
Actually, I brewed Josiah's Belgian Graff recipe (from the beer board in the shop) and clocks in around 6%... should I bring that?
Otherwise I'd love to tackle a 3-5% beer that is either historic to the Falcons, or is something quaffable to cleanse the palate of these Imperialist beers. I'd be tempted to try "Roy Clark's Real Ale (1978)" from the Falcons article in Zymurgy, but it sounds kind of... erm... too 1970's?! Four pounds of table sugar to two pounds of actual malts...
...anyways, let me know if anyone wants something lighter submitted. Also my keg is pin lock, if that matters.
i'm bringing a keg of: california (by way of austria) common
I'm 99.45% sure I'm bringing a dark mexican lager
I'm also bringing a couple gallons of mosaic pale ale
I'll be bringing:
Dortmunder Adambier (Club brew)
Dougweiser (Club brew)
Berliner Weiss
and bottles of Tupelo Mead and Blood Orange Melomel
Alright I'm going to bring a keg of Belgian Graff (Josiah's recipe from the beer board in the shop). My keg is pin lock, so a heads up to bring those fittings. See y'all at the dinner!
Hmmm, I'll be bringing...
Bringing a keg of 100% trio saison
It is a pin lock keg as well
I'm bringing a keg of Saison - 6.6%
Larry G
I'll be bringing a keg of American Strong Ale.
Chris Moon
Activities Director #2
5 gallon keg of Belgian Tripel (shop brew)
5 gallon keg of Doppelbock (brewed with Tom Sisolak.)
I'll be bringing a 5 gal keg of a Blonde Coffee Stout that I'm calling Good Morning North Hollywood.
Izzy's bringing kegs of:
Izzy, Beanie is bringing an Iced version of the Dec. 2013 Club Brew: Old Smokey Barley Wine
Of course!
subject to a quick review before i pack them: (1) ball-lock keg of Dark Mild w/ Roasted Rye (not the Shop brew, but it sounded good so i tried one); short keg of 2009 Mead-Dry Sparkling and a short keg of 2009 Mead-Sweet.
dave lustig
I'll bring a pinlock keg of black rye IPA.
I will be bringing a 5 gallon keg of the April 2014 Club Brew - Marzen
and 2 5 gallon kegs of the June 2014 Club Brew - Nelson Sauvon Saison
I will bring them in as early as possible.
Mike Lepp
I will bring a 3 gal keg of Belgian Dark.
I thought we needed something more seesionable at 8.4%
Bringing a keg of ESB.
I'm also bringing:
Half keg (2.5 gals) of Dougweiser brewed by the Board, with Belgian Abbey Ale yeast and dry hopped with Mandarina Bavaria