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Board Meeting Minutes February 2021

Date: 2/18/2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online (Zoom)

In Attendance:

  • Ilan (President)
  • Drew (Grand Hydrometer and Webmaster)
  • Eric (VP and Competitions)
  • Ed (VP and Competitions)
  • Jeff (Activities)
  • Robert (Activities)
  • Tiffany (Treasurer)
  • Gavin (Secretary)
  • Quinlan (Publicity)
  • Nicolai (Publicity)
  • Ian (Newsletter)
  • Jenna (Burgermeister)

Not Present:

  • Rick (Membership)

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for March 24, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. and will be conducted via Zoom


Tiffany Ashrafi has assumed all responsibilities in this role, but her name is not yet officially on our bank account..
Account balances are holding steady, and all outstanding bills have been paid.
Medals for DKM have not been paid for (or ordered).

SCHF is not officially on, but an unofficial campsite meet is scheduled  4/30-5/2. 7 sites at Temecula KOA have been reserved for the Falcons. Rules allow up to 6 persons per site. Falcons have reserved 7 sites @$65/site/night. Sites can accommodate RVs + tents. So far, we have received 10 responses from the camping  questionnaire. 4 RVs and 7 tents. Once we get a final count from the Falcons survey, we will figure out how to divvy them up.

DKM had a total of 58 entries which are currently being distributed to judges. 

Grand Hydro
We are looking into possibly featuring Sierra Nevada Bigfoot for the March Meeting. Ilan is going  to reach out to Vendome to see if we can get a discount.

Deadline for next submissions: Wed, March 3.
Next Newsletter: 

  • President’s Introduction from Ilan
  • Brew with a Falcon March Mashness Videos announcement
  • Member volunteers request for HH brewery selection
  • HH monthly update

Ilan ran this meeting for the first time, and is looking forward to serving the club at the helm.

Grand Hydro /Webmeister 
Drew is looking into upgrading our MalChimp account to incorporate the Simple Texting messaging plug-in.
He is also working on fixing issues with the Product ordering system to smooth out Happy Hour distribution.

Nicolai and Quinlan as new co-chairs came up with a few suggestions including the Mail Chimp texting upgrade (See Grand Hydro above) an Happy Hour regular updates (See Newsletter).
The board was shown some early proofs of artwork for the new Club Swag by Tiffany. These items will be available for ordering to members very shortly.

Happy Hours:
We are confirmed out to April 23. Newsletter will have details.
Gavin has created a Checklist and Best Practices document for future HHs.

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