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California State Homebrew Competition

Event Date: 
2015-10-16 19:00:00
Entry Window Dates: 
2015-09-23 18:00:00 to 2015-10-17 09:00:00

The Cal State comp is the 3rd leg of 3, for the Sierra Nevada California Homebrewer of the Year. That award will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at Anchor on November 8.   It also helps in chosing the Anchor Homebrew Club of the Year!  The Maltose Falcons is the current Anchor Homebrew club of the year!  It would be awesome to win it two years in a row, so get those entries ready!

Entries are due at the comp by Oct 17.  The Maltose Falcons will be arranging a shipment of entries for Maltose Falcons Club Members free of charge, this is part of your benifits for being a dues paying member of the most awesome homebrew club on the planet .

Your entries for the Cal State Homerbrew Comp must be at the Home Wine Beer Cheese Shop, 22836 Ventura Blvd #2, Woodland Hills  91364,  no later than Friday, Oct 16 2015, 12 noon.


Get them to the shop sooner if possible,  it really is an annoyance on the ears to hear people whine about how they only missed it by 33 1/3 minutes.

You are responsible for paying for your entries on line, bottling, labeling them properly, etc!.  Please read all the rules for this comp.  This is a 3 bottle comp, so each of your entries needs to have Three (3) bottles, that's not one, not two, but Three bottles!

The registration website is: http://nchfinfo.org/castatecomp/ You can register and find the rules and all info there!

If you have any questions,  please send a note to vicepresident@maltosefalcons.com

Good Luck!!




Dunhamj's picture

I wish I knew this before I shipped my entries! Next time :)

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