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Time to escape the heat and quaff some cold beers at our annual Sunfest.  To top it off awesome food will be had for dinner and the Falcons will have copious amounts of beer available for the pouring.

So come on out, drink, dine, dance.    Your entry includes camping so plan for that and DON'T DRIVE!

Sign Up Now

Then complete your reservation by purchasing your Sunfest Ticket at the "Pay Online" link above.  $20 includes day use of the venue, the cost of dinner and camping fees. If you are camping, please be aware that there is no running water at McGill campground and that you will need to bring your own water for drinking and washing.  This event is open to Maltose Falcons members, their guests and other interested homebrewers.


Beer is only a beverage.  It only becomes maximally enjoyable when consumed amongst friends and thus the whole point of doing fests. 


Directions: From I-5, take Frazier Park exit (Frazier Mountain Park Road), go west approximately 6 miles. The road name changes to Cuddy Valley Road. Continue on it up Mt. Pinos. The road name changes to Mt. Pinos Highway. McGill Campground is approximately 5 miles further on the north side of road.


Reenie's picture

Hi Kris,

Nice early announcement. Where are the Sunfest and Mayfaire going to be? When will you have the pay online available?

Monster Mash's picture

Location?, Location?, Location?

Badd Beat's picture

It will be me +1.  Do I pay by guest or site?  Sorry, I've never been before. Thanks

Drew Beechum's picture

Hey, so, yeah.. by the guest!

Badd Beat's picture

Thanks Drew!

DamnChris's picture

First time coming, bringing a friend. Questions:

Do I need to sign up to bring kegs?  Do I need to supply ice?  Do I need to supply CO2 and/or taps?

Is it BYO breakfast?

Can we actually arrive at noon and set up our tents, or is there a preferred arrival time?

How late can we nurse our hangovers before we have to check out?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Drew Beechum's picture

Let's see...

No signup for kegs, bring em! Ice should be available (along with the cold boxes), but bring your keg cold. It's always wise to carry a cobra tap with you

Unless Peter's got something up his sleeve, bring something to eat

And I believe noon Friday-noon Sunday is when we have everything.

Monster Mash's picture

Richard can't make it so his bar will not be available but Kevin will be bringing the club keg boxes so there is room for 16 kegs. I suggest bringing something to keep your kegs cold if possible, or get there early.

Definitely bring cobra taps!!

cybertonian's picture

Directions: From I-5, take Frazier Park exit (Frazier Mountain Park Road), go west approximately 6 miles. The road name changes to Cuddy Valley Road. Continue on it up Mt. Pinos. The road name changes to Mt. Pinos Highway. McGill Campground is approximately 5 miles further on the north side of road.

Info: http://www.recreation.gov/camping/Mcgill_Campground/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=70166&topTabIndex=Search

GoogleMap:   (Click here for Map)

See a video of McGill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pVBokO-pYk


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