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July Club Meeting - Pot Luck & Alternative Fermentation!

Sunday July 10th - Join us for our monthly membership meeting.  All are welcome!

The meeting starts at 11:00 am, with introductions and general business. The Grand Hydro - Drew - will present the style of the month "Alternative Fermentation" and provide liquid examples. Remember to bring your own tasting glass and your homebrew to share and for review by your peers.

Then we'll move on to our lunch - POTLUCK!  If you would like to bring a dish to pass, please comment below or on the Facebook event invite so the Burgermeister can organize the line up.

Club meeting will be held, as usual, at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop in Woodland Hills, CA - Come as you are!

Address: 22836 Ventura Blvd # B, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Event Date: 
Sunday, July 10, 2016 - 11:00 to 15:00


Burning Matt's picture

Tom Sisolak - watermelon pickles, sauerkraut coleslaw

Micheal Rigo - potato tacos

Matt Trumbo - pasta salad

Robert Dexter - home smoked beef brisket (chili?) with bourbon oaked vanilla Imperial Porter

Matt Myerhoff - cheddar jalapeno corn bread

Drew - tacos or somesuch



mtrumbo's picture

I am going to bring pasta or macaroni salad instead. 

genevass's picture

Hi - 

I'm a new member.  I'm bringing wings and guacamole.


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