Join us for a collaboration brew day with Trademark Brewing on Sunday, August 18th, 2019! This will be the first of many collaboration brew days to commemorate our 45th Anniversary & to be poured at the celebration in November.
Brewing starts around 10am. Wort available but in limited quantities, please bring a sanitized 5 gallon fermenter if you want a portion. White Labs is also bringing samples & swag for us to enjoy, so sign up early!
Maltose Falcons Contact: Brent Yarkin -
Brewery Contact: Sterling Steffen - 562-308-7722
Style: Pale Ale using a brand new WLP518 Opshaug Kveik Ale Yeast
Cost: Free! (just sign up so we know to expect you!)
Location: 233 E Anaheim Street Long Beach, California 90813
Here are additional details from Trademark owner, Sterling Steffen:
"The suppliers have really come through. Country Malt is supplying all of the malt, John Fearless is kicking in the hops and - big update - White Labs is donating a pitch of their new WLP518 Opshaug Kveik!"
"The recipe will be provided to the MF's on the brew day, and right now it's looking like 80% pilsner, 10% flaked wheat, 5% brumalt and 5% raw wheat. We're using all South African hops, including Southern Passion and XJA437 in the WP and for dry hops, and Southern Star for bittering."