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Golden Road 45th Collaboration Brewday!

Thursday, October 3rd 
Mash in: 5:00pm (but if anyone wants to come at 4pm to help mill the grain, you're more than welcome!)

Golden Road Brewing
5410 W San Fernando Rd , Los Angeles, CA 90039

Maltose Falcons Contact: Andy Ziskin - andrewpziskin@gmail.com
Brewery Contact: Andy Ziskin - andrewpziskin@gmail.com
Style: Fruited Belgian Golden Strong (Rose sparkling wine inspired)
Cost: Free to participate, just let us know you're coming!

Additional details coming soon! We might be doing a QC day with their lab simultaneously so that anyone who wants to have a homebrew tested can bring a sample in! At a minimum on the alcolyzer & GC for ABV & VDK (Diacetyl)... maybe even get SRM & IBU depending on how many are interested! So cool!

We may also be able to bring home 5 gallons of wort so be sure to bring your carboy!


Event Date: 
Thursday, October 3, 2019 - 17:00


AndyZ's picture

Hey Everyone,


Looking forward to brewing with you this afternoon. Couple things... if you’re coming, normal brewery protocol, please wear closed toe shoes. If you’re interested in taking wort home, please bring a sanitized vessel that is NOT glass. If you want our lab to analyze one of your homebrews, please bring 2 12oz bottles or a bomber. Finally, when you get to GRB, please go to the pub. You can call or text our brewing Nextel and I will come out to give everyone safety glasses and vests: (310) 597-7143. 


Cheers, Andy

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