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Smoke Beer Time

I don't know about y'all, but walking out this morning to everything smelling like a campfire and ash on my newly washed car made me think... rauchbier.

Think  maybe it's time to pull out the old smoked malt and brew up a smoked mild. If only it weren't going to be 100+ tomorrow!

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Skipp Shelly's picture

Just got a 5# bag of cherry wood smoked 2-row from a friend yesterday, left it in my truck by mistake...hard to tell if its the fire or the malt that has made my truck smell like smoke today...should be transformed into a smoked porter sometime next week (if it gets below 100...)

Drew Beechum's picture

 Rocky, you know it.

We're still in the early stages of the challenge, but we are looking at setting up a separate category in the Doug King Competition for these beers.

And of course we'll try and get guidance on what Beanie thinks an appropriate usage rate is for this malt!

DaveL256's picture

Beaning said that he thought 1½# was about the upper limit for a 5 gallon batch.  That seems a tad high to me, so i only grabbed a half pound....

Drew Beechum's picture

Yeah, I packed away a fair amount of the stuff in my backpack. Removed it when I got home. Here we are 4 days later and my backpack still exudes a smoky aroma. 

Matt Bourbeau's picture

Beanie told me that the smoked beer he brought to sample was done with 1 1/2 lb for 5 gallon BUT he claims it was too smoky at firt and he'd recommend backing off to more like  3/4 lb.  I've still got to figure out what to do with mine, but my leading ideas are either a smoked Baltic porter or a smoked maple, vanilla barleywine.

paul1000's picture

I had planned to brew a porter on September 13th after the meeting.  I decided to make it a smoked porter using 4 oz. of Beanie's  double smoked malt in a 5 gallon batch.  It is now in the secondary  and the smoke is strong but not over the top.  I'm hoping it will be ready for the 35th anniversary party.


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