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A Tale of Two Saisons

 Well, just one saison. But two yeast strains. 

My recent experience was a lesson in both the finicky nature of saison yeasts and the power of repitching.  I took home a portion of the October shop brew, Kent's Falcons Noel, with an OG of 1.081.  We had pitched both Wyeast's and White Labs' strains (3724 I think and 565) from two pretty big starters. Lots of yeasties.  So off she goes, looking good, and I guess I got complacent or lazy or busy or all three and I let the carboy just do its thing for about a month.  Then I pulled the ultimate bonehead move and racked WITHOUT taking a reading.  Stupid, eh?  I figured, "four weeks is aplenty" and anyway the last Saison I did finished in like 3 minutes (of course that was August!) so what's the worry?

So, another few weeks go by with this big saison in the corny and I finally get around to checking:  1.030. Yep.  WAY too high for most beers, let alone a saison.  Now, I know these strains can be finicky anyway, and like it a little rough, and now I start panicking because I've lost my primary cake down the drain, and the last thing I want is for Fletch to think I'm an idiot (well, more of an idiot) and I don't want to tarnish by association the good name of my friend and mentor the late Jonny Lieberman, and  so I go after the keg with a vengeance.  I start calling it names, and kicking it, and swirling it, and I move it upstairs to a warmer room and I think I even threw a small mammal or two at it.  Well, after about 2 or 3 more weeks I check her again.  Boom! 1.020!  Ok, so still too high, but I managed to knock off 10 points with just the yeast suspended in the corny.  Not bad, I thinks.

But here I am, two months out from the brewday, with nothing on tap but the dregs of a barleywine.  So I hit the road, jump over the hill, and grab me a packet of Safale-05.  As dry and cheap as lovely ladies of the Women's Christian Temperance Union.  Onward ho!  I whip up a little starter, wait for the krausen, pour and pray.

Well, that did it.  Two weeks later (or so) I pull 1.010.  A thing of beauty.  A marvel to behold.  Liquid as delightful as nectar from Venus herself.  Thanks to Kent, Nancy and Diane for the brewday and Drew for the Saison knowledge.   I'll bring a growler to the next meeting.

Brewgyver's picture

Jimmy, I've never thought of you as an idiot, indeed quite the contrary is true.  It should be interesting to compare your finished beer with a portion that was not repitched - to see if the 05 swallowed up any of the original strains' flavor/aroma signatures.  I'll try to remember to bring some of mine.  See ya Sunday!

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