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Would you use these? - Brews balls



Dunno.. but it's an interesting idea at least. 

Gregg Van Citters's picture

Wouldn't want to scratch my brew balls!  Might get an infection.

Looks an awful lot like a Galileo thermometer.  Density is temperature-dependent, so one wonders whether this works equally well for ales and lagers.  The site suggests they are calibrated for 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Skipp Shelly's picture

too gimmicky for me, and not exact enough to really be useful, really how hard is it to pull a sample??

Ben McArthur's picture

Awesome! I'm seriously thinking of getting a set of these. Sure if you're good with sanitation and you are doing large batches, pulling samples is no big deal. However, I often do small batches and this would come in handy especially when doing 1gal batches of mead!

CTDFalconer's picture

I would use them if someone gave them to me.  But it's not something I would pay money for.  I have to say I am amused by the idea.

Brewgyver's picture

I think I might just have to get a set of those!  I think they would be just the thing for beers that are going to take a while to ferment out.

krazydave's picture

And maybe a 1' section of small tubing to take a sample from the carboy with.

I think that even if someone gave them to me, I'd probably use them once for giggles, but I couldn't see myself using them much after that. Especially if they're calibrated for 60 degrees. 

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