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Wort pumps

I'm in the market for a pump. Wanted to get input regarding the appropriate make and model. Any suggestions, recommendations and/or warnings would be appreciated!


Jim McGowan's picture

A lot of homebrewers including myself use the March 809.  The shop usually has one in stock. Although a bit pricey, if taken care of it will last for years.

jtrainer's picture

+ 1.060 to the March 809 pump.    Available at the shop or most any online retailor.


My tips in using the pump are;  

  • Input pointed down, outlet up
  • Ball Valve for flow control on outport only
  • A waste port/tee w/ extra ball valve for ease in re/priming the pump as needed    (mine is a brass ball valve with a waste port built obtained at bLowes)
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