Emergency Price Rollback! Pay just $65, even at the door!
Due to the Anniversary Party being undersold, the Club is at risk of incurring a significant loss. In an effort to avoid that, we have decided to rescind the price increases and roll back to the initial $65 per person price. Those who have already paid $75 per person will have the difference refunded. To all those great Falcons who paid a up to a month early to get the $65 rate, please understand that this is truly an emergency, and the Board decided to take this action to protect the treasury, which enables us to do things like the bus trips (Bus company requres payment in advance) and reserve our camping spots for next year's So Cal Homebrew Fest. In fact, we just had to pay $1,050 to Lake Casitas for next May's camping to assure assure we could party and have Dead Palates in our own block of spots - which is part of the current treasury crunch. The Club has actually paid for the entire event in advance. We have bought 115 dinners, which was the minimum to get the room for the event. So, for every seat without a Falcon or friend in it, that's a dinner that's paid for, but not eaten, and a good chunk of Club cash down the drain. So, please consider taking us up on this offer, or email me at treasurer@maltosefa lcons.com for other options.
Original Message:
Legend has it that every 5 years, a group of homebrewers gather - not in the woods as is their usual mein, but in a hotel, in pants - to celebrate the passing of another significant milestone in their collective history.
This year, we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of our beloved club at the Warner Center Marriott, in the Hidden Hills Room. For the cost of your ticket, you'll receive dinner, dancing, the band, a commemorative glass and more. Of course, we'll even have a ton of homebrew on tap! We even have a special room rate set so no one has to fret driving away from our party. Just call and ask for the Maltose Falcons room rate. ($119/night + tax.)
Susan Webster found a slightly better deal for AAA members here: http://maltosefalcons.com/blogs/beanies-wife/marriott-warner-center-aaa-...
Treasurer's Note: Don't be misled by the list of Sign-ups at the bottom of this page. Most of the paid attendees have not signed up using this event page - due to the newness of this version of the web site. Just PLEASE email me at treaurer@maltosefalcons.com and get your check mailed to or dropped off at the Shop. Just in case you don't have the address:
Maltose Falcons 35th c/o
Home Beer, Wine and Cheese Shop
22836 Ventura Bl #2
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
I'm in for a seat at this homebrewing treat...already sent the check...