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September shop brew English Best Bitter

Hey September brew crew members! Today is day 4 of fermentation. You should transfer your beer to secondary no later than today. I just transferred all 15 gallons today as primary fermentation had stopped completely.

So far so good. The beer tastes great, and there is a distinct difference in taste between the White Labs WLP-002 English ale yeast and the Nottingham yeast. There will be 5 gallons of each batch at the Falcons 35th anniversary party in October, so be there to taste them.

I figure 5 to 6 days in secondary, then time to keg. Remember, bitters of all types only take about 10-12 days to be completely fermented out. That is what's so great about brewing session ales like this. You will have beer ready in about two weeks if you keg! This style will only need about a week of bottle conditioning as you want a lower level of carbonation as is traditional for English bitters.

So keep me posted crew as to how your beer is coming along. Looking forward to tasting your batch soon.





Diane Van Wagner's picture

Just kegged the shop brew best bitter a couple of days ago. It tastes great! I already have my portion on tap at home, and it is a big hit. The 10 gallons that I have for the 35th anniversary party are distinctly different from each other. The portion fermented with Nottingham finishes dry, and the portion with the White Labs WLP-002 allows for a little fruitiness to come through.

Come to the 35th anniversary party to taste them both, then the November club meeting if there is any of it left.

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