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Keg Signup for 35th Anniversary

All right everyone!

If you're coming to the party (and you better be) - tell us in the comments what you're bringing! 


Drew Beechum's picture

 I'm bringing

35th Anniversary Hunter English Barleywine

Wry Rye DIPA


Lil Ghost Saison

Big Ghost Saison


Matt Bourbeau's picture


Steve Cook's picture

I'm bringing a keg of Hefe and a 1/2 keg of Belgian Gruit "The 9th Mushroom

Diane Van Wagner's picture

I am bringing "Not Quite Destitute Richard's Ale" (shop brew) and 10 gallons of "Falcon's Pride" best bitter (shop brew). Five gallons with White Labs English ale yeast, and five gallons with Nottingham yeast.

Bring pin lock fittings for the bar!

Brewgyver's picture

Hmmm, let's see.

35th Anniversary Doppelbock

35th Anniversary Double Down DIPA Mutant Cask Conditioned in Firkin

35th Anniversary Poor Richard's Ale

Irish Red

Sour Cherry Wheat

Flacon Claws 2007

and a Saison to be named later, IF it's ready in time!

jefflala's picture


Duval Light - 3 gall keg

Amber ESB - 3 gall keg

pinlock kegs - I'll bring the disconnects for both the gas and beer lines

mysterious_n_senada's picture

Maybe something else as well...

paul1000's picture

I'm bringing a Smoked Porter made with Beanie's Double Smoked Malt.




Erick Garcia's picture

Bringing a keg of Oktoberfest and Pale Ale.  See you all next week.

Brewgyver's picture

Brian and Bruce are bringing a keg of Elegant Bastard (please put on Randall)

Brewgyver's picture

Czech Pilsner and Young Lambic

Monster Mash's picture

I'm bringing 3 kegs...


Fixation Tripel


Willamette Damnit Pale Ale


It looks like we already have Beanies bar and the back bar filled!!!

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