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Victory V-Twelve

 On New Year's Eve I got the chance to share a 5 year old bottle of Victory Brewing's V-Twelve. The inspiration for this beer is a Belgian Dark Ale/Quad. The beer comes in a corked 750ml, and has a bottled date, with a recommendation of consuming within 5 years.

I used Belgian tulip style glasses to serve. The cork broke, and I needed a wine opener for the other half, and received a small pop. At this point my guests seeing me shoot corks from earlier Belgians were not impressed. The beer poured a rich amber, not quite brilliant but clear. The head was minimal, and laid down quickly. The aroma had notes of carmel, candi-sugar, spicy/pepper notes and maybe raisins. 

The taste was a medium body full of rich carmel and dark fruits (like plums or figs maybe). The 12% alcohol was a sweet warmth, and the beer finished dry. It was after dinner, so this felt like drinking a nice port to finish the meal. There is just something nice about a complex, but layered drink. I know I am missing all kinds of descriptions of the flavor profile, but great is all that comes to mind. We get these wonderful glasses of pleasure that surprise and delight. Then we can't stop thinking about it for weeks or months. I guess this is what we chase as brewers.

My guests, were a range of beer drinkers, from nothing to explorers. Looking around the table, everybody was pleasently surprised, and gently insisted on opening another bottle. I know I am geeking out, but I have an idea how difficult it is to make a good beer, then store it for five years and just hope it is drinkable, let alone a wonderful experience to share with a group of friends.

Not really a beer review, more of a beer experience.

Thanks for reading


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