More details coming soon - but this year's Mead Extravaganza hosted by the inimitable Bruce Brode will be returning on May 31st. The tasting will start a little early this year to facilitate an earlier finishing time at 12
What's the Mead Tasting? It's Bruce's annual celebration of the fine art of mixing honey, water and yeast. In addition to sampling a few commercial meads, the gathered crew (that's you - potential mead taster) brings a panoply of homemade meads to taste. Bring a small potluck snack because we like to take a break and give our palates some time to relax!
The tasting will be held at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop - Please signup below to RSVP your attendance.
Shucks, unless the date wiggles.... gone 5/30 to 6/11, fwiw.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the mead tasting. Remember, if you don't have anything homemade to bring, a store-bought mead will do just fine. Bring your best mead and great snacks!
It generally takes two 750ml (standard wine bottle) or four 12 oz. (standard beer bottle) volumes of each mead to allow everyone to have a small taste. And we encourage SMALL tastes because we usually have some 30 meads to sample! Be sure to eat and drink water during the tasting to help you manage it. And bring a small wine glass, or similar, to taste out of.
Feel free to post here in the Comments section what you will be bringing.
-- Bruce Brode
Would love to sign up for this!
You essentially have signed up, just need to show up!
Rich & Marlen plan to attend. It should be great to see everyone again.
Love to see you both there!
Last year this was a great inspiration to me. I brewed a few 1 gallon batches. I bottled them in 12 ounce bottles. How many of those do I need to bring for the group to taste, 3? Stepped up to a 5 gallon Cranberry Mead that will just be 3 months old, 5 gallons. Is that worth a taste test? Hope this is me signing up!
Bring 4 12 oz. bottles of each mead you wish to share -- we may or may not go through all 4 bottles, depending on attendance, but it is usually well-attended. Bring your notes so you can talk about how you made them and we can all learn.
You can always taste the cranberry to see if you want to serve it, but at 3 months of age, it may be premature to serve. Cranberry is an outstanding subject for mead, provides the potential for great sugar-acid balance.
There is no formal sign-up, these blog posts will help with that. We'll take a census of the meads that show up before we begin, and I will determine a rough tasting order based on that as we go along.
I have a quad berry mead I split and used three different yeasts so we can taste the difference. It's just about a year old now, I haven't tasted them in about six months, looking forward to it.
Excellent! Yeast comparisons can be very instructive, so this will be quite educational.
Hope the date stays firm, just bought my ticket for a visit & RENEWED my club membership for the event! Can someone save me a seat?! I'm planning to be in town but will be arriving a little late--flight comes in at 11:21am that Sunday and finding a friend to drive me from LAX to event. Can someone save me a seat(s) so I can join the fun? Will probably have the friend who picks me up from the airport as my guest for the event so if someone can save me 2 seats I'd be grateful! Is it members only? If so, I'll buy an additional club membership for event so my friend can attend.
The date is good, and we'll save a seat for you. Particularly if you are flying in for the event!
It's not members only, there's no charge, so your friend is welcome.
Super! Looking forward to seeing all, catching up and having a lovely mead tasting time--Tom & Maxine are saving me 2 seats so I'm set!!! Woot-woot!
It would be cool to see you again! How long you in town for!
Only a few days...hanging with my old boss Stefan & Nancy Gold. Saw you in the episode of Brew Dogs--awesome! Sit next to Tom & his wife at mead tasting--I'll be arriving late from airport with my buddy Stefan. That way I can hear what you have to say about the meads and chat intermittently. Nice hat in picture...btw.
Beanie and Susan will be there
RSVP for myself plus my wife. I'm just getting ready to try my first small batch at home.
Krishna & Shana
Pam & I will be there with a few meads. Looking forward to it!
Nectar of the gods!
I'll be there, and my wife Jennifer will be making an appearance!
Wouldn't want to miss I'll be there with you all
Maxine & I will be there. We've got one mead we've made to share!
See you for some awesome Mead!
This will be my first event with the Falcons, and I joined in September! I have some home-brewed mead to bring. How much mead, and what food should I bring?
Bring a 750ml or equivalent volume to give everyone a good pour. Food - a nice plate is good. Don't stress.
I'm in! Maybe with my honey in tow (not mead related) :) I don't have a homebrew mead to bring, but I'll try to find a suitable commercial mead. I plan on doing my first mead next week so I'll be pestering everyone for tips.
count me in.
Jay Hudson
Nora and I are planning to attend. Hope to see a great group on Sunday.
I'll be there.
I will bring foodlings but not Meadlings. As I recall last year there was plenty of Mead.
<p><em>Natalie DeNicholas</em></p>
<p><em>Assistant Burgermeister</em></p>
<p> </p>
I will be there with at possibly 2 guests, one, and possible both of whom will leave after the 1st hour. I will be bringing 1500 mls of Superstion Meaderies flagship mead. I have 2 meads in the carboy, but they are at least a year away from drinkability.
On a non-mead semi-ralted note:
I am going to see MacBeth at 7 PM following the mead tasting at this place.
I have no idea if it will be any good, but I thought it would be fun. Seems like a dose of the Bard is the perfect ending of an afternoon of mead. Any interest? Bueler? Bueler?....
My first chance in over a year to present,
Dry ginger mead
and a green (January) rasberry mead.