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Homebrew Competition @ 2015 Oktoberfest! 2pm!!

There will be a mini homebrew competition held at our Oktoberfest this Saturday!  Submit by 2pm - judging starts @ 2:30pm

Here are the details:

Limited to 14 entries - first come, first serve

Any style welcome & 1 entry per person

Entries to be given to Ed (our Co-VP from Jersey) @ 2pm sharp at Oktoberfest/DAV grounds

Format: (2) 12oz bottles is preferred but 22's, growlers, 1 liter bottles, plastic baggies are accepted.

Please no writing/labels on the bottles - Ed will register your style/category upon drop off 

For additional info, email your trusty VPs at vicepresident@maltosefalcons.com

Event Date: 
Saturday, October 10, 2015 - 03:00 to 06:00
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