Falcons Supporting Falcons
On December 13, 2015, Falcons Board Members Cullen Davis, Kent Fletcher, Tiffany Ashrafi, Ed Kochanowski, Matt Myerhoff and Diana Davis visited the Ojai Raptor Center to present the club's $500 donation to the Raptor Center, and were treated to a tour of the facility.
During 2014, the Falcons Board was looking for ways to incorporate philanthropy into the club's activities. We raised the entry fee for the Club's 2014 Mafair Homebrew Competition, the oldest homebrew competition in America, and ended up with $500 to donate to a charitabel cause. We voted on supporting the Ojai Raptor Center, a terrific organization that rescues and rehabilitates injured birds of prey and advocates for preservation of their wildlife habitats. Since 2000, founder Kim Stround, two staffers and more than 200 volunteers have rescued, rehabilitated and sometimes released injured birds of prey on their three-acre facility.
On October 1, Board Members Kent Fletcher, Tiffany Ashrafi and Matt Myerhoff had also volunteered to pour homebrew as a donation at the annual fundraiser party of the Ojai Raptor Center. For more information on the Raptor Center, and to see a gallery of gorgeous photos of all of their birds, visit http://www.ojairaptorcenter.org/.