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Club & Board Notes- March

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Club Meeting

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Location: Home Beer & Cheese Making Shop


Agenda Topics

  1. Grand Hydro: Lagers Transform

    • Light Side-

      1. Pilsner Urquell brewed in Plzen, Czech “The Original Pilsner” with a 4.4% abv

      2. Baltika #7 brewed in Russian with a 5.4% abv

      3. Pabst Blue Ribbon brewed in Milwaukee with a 4.7% abv

      4. House Beer with a 4.7% abv

      5. Flying Horse Royal Lager Beer produced in Bangalore, India with a 4.7% abv

    • Dark Side-

      1. Lammsbrau Organic Dunkel Premium Bavarian Dark Lager, 4.8% abv

      2. Czechvar dark lager brewed with Czech with a 4.7% abv

      3. Xingu black beer imported from Brazil with a 4.6% abv

  2. Grand Hydro’s People’s Choice Winner:

    • Light style lagers= Pilsner Urquell

    • Dark style lagers= Lammsbrau Organic Dunkel Premium Bavarian Dark Lager

  3. New People, Welcome: Rebecca, Ed, Bob, Sterling, Wayne, Anthony, Cassie, Alan & Steve

  4. Upcoming Events:

    • Registration and Additional event information will be posted on our website and social medial outlets.

      1. Jester King at Flame Pizzeria on Saturday, March 26th

      2. DTLA Brewery Tour- We will be meeting the bus at 10am and visiting the following breweries in Downtown LA (Iron Triangle, Mumford, Arts District and Boomtown) Buy your tickets, $60 per person!

  1. Mayfaire Judging Competition-  will be on April 23rd, 9am at St. Martins in the Fields Church. Please sign up to be a steward or a judge.

  2. SCHF- If you are planning on attending on April 29-May1st, please make sure to purchase your tickets and reserve your campsite.  

  1. Mayfaire Festival- will be at the KOA in Acton on May 21st all starts at noon!

  1. Brew with a Falcon (BWAF)- will be on June 25th at various locations. Locations to be determined.

  1. Upcoming Shop Brew Session:

    • March 19th- Brewing a Dark Czech lager with brew leader John A. at Tavern Services in Northridge.

  2. Meetings Homebrew Winner: Bob’s Bourbon Oaked Vanilla Imperial Porter

  3. Other Business:

    • April Club Meeting - Grand Hydro’s Session Beers, Hop Extract and Canning demonstrations


Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Location: Home Beer & Cheese Making Shop


I. Next board meeting date and location? Tuesday, April 19th at 7pm

  1. Casa de Andy (tentative)

II. Treasurer’s Report

     1. Usual Financial info- We got money!

     2. Swag:

a. Are the hats selling well?

  • We sold about a third of them out of the 75. We probably have roughly 50 left in stock.

    b. Can we sell/move more old stock so we can get cool new stuff?

  • We can possibly use it for raffle gifts on the bus tour

  • We have plenty of carabiner cups (x90) and old school shirts.

     3. Do we have an inventory list?

  • Kent knows what we have in stock, but there is no list.

III. Activities

1. SCHF/CHA – Posted on website. How many signed up so far? Keg list?

  • Has been posted on the website. Camping cut off is the 28th.

  • Arrangement on camp site- 303-312. Tiffany will give people their site number about a week before.

  • Drew/Dana- put up the keg list and form on the website. Send out an email to the people who have signed up for camping regarding the keg list.

  • Make a form complainer about the extra $50 for the additional booth

  • We currently have 27 tent and 10 for RV a total of 37 people

2. Downtown brewery tour update –– Is it filling up?

  • We currently have 35 people who’ve signed up. A max of 50 people for the bus trip.

3. Mayfaire fest / camping – Acton KOA. Is it up for sign-ups?

  • Drew/Dana please put a keg list up on the website and facebook. If possible send an email to anyone who has signed up for the event.


4. Plans for Brew With a Falcon

  • Double check with: Craig F. Drew, Izzy and Tiffany  

  • Confirmed: Nancy, Andy and Dana

  • Kent possibility- Brew on the boat? 7-8

5. Lake Arrowhead –– What do we know so far?

  • 2 campsites have been booked and keg/bar list

6. Oktoberfest –– DAV

  • Will be reaching out sometime this week to start working with DAV contract.

IV. Vice President

    1. Rounding up judges for JPL contest? Nope!

2. Mayfaire

  • a. Sponsorship coordination – Getting help from TOaked. How is it going?

  • b. Have St. Martin’s? Yes.

  • c. Are we plugging it on all media outlets? Yes.

  • Beer pick ups on April 9th or the 10th

  • We have added a Friday night of judging

  • Steve & Irene will be doing a prelim on ??

  • Dana will be doing the prelim on Tuesday, April 12th

  • John A. will be doing the prelim on Wednesday, April 13th

    3. Westlake Brew day: April 9th at 8am

  • 15 club members and 5 outside club members

  • People get 5 gallons of wort

  • Matt will be posting it on the website

  • Reaching out to people who has contributed to the club, the first dibs. Email a list to board members.

    4. Fig Mountain Brew Day:

  • Potential month in July

  • Ed will be in contact with the brewer

V. Webmaster and Grand Hydro

  • April style: All Session
  • Canning Demo will be on April 3rd. Kent, John A. and Drew will be handling the session.
  • Mayfaire saison canning project: Designing label, Then canning. Cullen will be working on the label.
  • New credit card style (Stripe) has been posted on the website for those who don’t wish to use PayPal. Should be set up on today or tomorrow.

VI.  Membership- To be discussed at a later time

1. Anything new? I told lots of people about joining when filling in at the shop.

VII. Publicity

1. Shop Brews:

  • John A. Dark Lager: full yet? Planning brews for SCHF, Mayfaire, etc?

  • They currently only have 3 spots open at the moment

2. Grain buy is set with the shop: 200lbs. max, 10lbs. per member, cutoff is close of business May 1. Sign up should have space to indicate event.

  • We will need to get a signup sheet up and bring to the shop. KENT make the sign up sheet. Please add a blank for the event they are planning on bringing it to.

VIII. Newsletter

1. President’s article – Talk up grain buy, SCHF, Mayfaire, etc.

2. Who else contributing? I would still like to see more articles from board.

  • Make sure items for newsletter is ready and emailed to Andy by the 27th

  • Thursday add the grain shop items and that it’s live.

  • Contact Drew about his recipe.

  • Possible newletter shit list? Where we can shame those who volunteer to clean up and DON’T!

IX. Burgermeister

    1. Apr. club meeting – Easter and St. Pats taco bar.

2. We need to give Nat the date, time and place for Mayfaire judging session so we can have food.

  • Potential breakfast- Granola bar and yogurt

  • Kent- please look at the amount we spent last year on food

  • John A. will bring cold brew

  • Ed will talk to natalie about pumping up the fund

  • $15 bucks a head with breakfast and lunch

X. Other business?

1. Other biz from Nancy and the shop:

  • Brew 101 instructor is needed. Is there anyone interested in taking on this job?
  • Nancy will talk to Sean regarding the class.
  • Nancy has volunteered to be the brew leader for Lady Brew on May 15th and also the Brew with a falcon in June 25th.

​2. The July meeting? Date?

  • Will be on July 10th

​3. Install an activity board for flyers and white board so that people can see it separately from the central board.

4. Charity options- $1 entry increase will be for charities. Who are we donating it?

Board send your favorite charities then send it out to the members.

  • Pick our favorite 5 before sending it out as survey monkey option.
Board Roles: 
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