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Club Meeting
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Location: Home Beer & Cheese Making Shop
Agenda Topics
Grand Hydro: Lagers Transform
Light Side-
Pilsner Urquell brewed in Plzen, Czech “The Original Pilsner” with a 4.4% abv
Baltika #7 brewed in Russian with a 5.4% abv
Pabst Blue Ribbon brewed in Milwaukee with a 4.7% abv
House Beer with a 4.7% abv
Flying Horse Royal Lager Beer produced in Bangalore, India with a 4.7% abv
Dark Side-
Lammsbrau Organic Dunkel Premium Bavarian Dark Lager, 4.8% abv
Czechvar dark lager brewed with Czech with a 4.7% abv
Xingu black beer imported from Brazil with a 4.6% abv
Grand Hydro’s People’s Choice Winner:
Light style lagers= Pilsner Urquell
Dark style lagers= Lammsbrau Organic Dunkel Premium Bavarian Dark Lager
New People, Welcome: Rebecca, Ed, Bob, Sterling, Wayne, Anthony, Cassie, Alan & Steve
Upcoming Events:
Registration and Additional event information will be posted on our website and social medial outlets.
Jester King at Flame Pizzeria on Saturday, March 26th
DTLA Brewery Tour- We will be meeting the bus at 10am and visiting the following breweries in Downtown LA (Iron Triangle, Mumford, Arts District and Boomtown) Buy your tickets, $60 per person!
Mayfaire Judging Competition- will be on April 23rd, 9am at St. Martins in the Fields Church. Please sign up to be a steward or a judge.
SCHF- If you are planning on attending on April 29-May1st, please make sure to purchase your tickets and reserve your campsite.
Mayfaire Festival- will be at the KOA in Acton on May 21st all starts at noon!
Brew with a Falcon (BWAF)- will be on June 25th at various locations. Locations to be determined.
Upcoming Shop Brew Session:
March 19th- Brewing a Dark Czech lager with brew leader John A. at Tavern Services in Northridge.
Meetings Homebrew Winner: Bob’s Bourbon Oaked Vanilla Imperial Porter
Other Business:
- April Club Meeting - Grand Hydro’s Session Beers, Hop Extract and Canning demonstrations
Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 15th, 2016
Location: Home Beer & Cheese Making Shop
I. Next board meeting date and location? Tuesday, April 19th at 7pm
Casa de Andy (tentative)
II. Treasurer’s Report
1. Usual Financial info- We got money!
2. Swag:
a. Are the hats selling well?
We sold about a third of them out of the 75. We probably have roughly 50 left in stock.
b. Can we sell/move more old stock so we can get cool new stuff?
We can possibly use it for raffle gifts on the bus tour
We have plenty of carabiner cups (x90) and old school shirts.
3. Do we have an inventory list?
Kent knows what we have in stock, but there is no list.
III. Activities
1. SCHF/CHA – Posted on website. How many signed up so far? Keg list?
Has been posted on the website. Camping cut off is the 28th.
Arrangement on camp site- 303-312. Tiffany will give people their site number about a week before.
Drew/Dana- put up the keg list and form on the website. Send out an email to the people who have signed up for camping regarding the keg list.
Make a form complainer about the extra $50 for the additional booth
We currently have 27 tent and 10 for RV a total of 37 people
2. Downtown brewery tour update –– Is it filling up?
We currently have 35 people who’ve signed up. A max of 50 people for the bus trip.
3. Mayfaire fest / camping – Acton KOA. Is it up for sign-ups?
Drew/Dana please put a keg list up on the website and facebook. If possible send an email to anyone who has signed up for the event.
4. Plans for Brew With a Falcon
Double check with: Craig F. Drew, Izzy and Tiffany
Confirmed: Nancy, Andy and Dana
Kent possibility- Brew on the boat? 7-8
5. Lake Arrowhead –– What do we know so far?
2 campsites have been booked and keg/bar list
6. Oktoberfest –– DAV
Will be reaching out sometime this week to start working with DAV contract.
IV. Vice President
1. Rounding up judges for JPL contest? Nope!
2. Mayfaire
a. Sponsorship coordination – Getting help from TOaked. How is it going?
b. Have St. Martin’s? Yes.
c. Are we plugging it on all media outlets? Yes.
Beer pick ups on April 9th or the 10th
We have added a Friday night of judging
Steve & Irene will be doing a prelim on ??
Dana will be doing the prelim on Tuesday, April 12th
John A. will be doing the prelim on Wednesday, April 13th
3. Westlake Brew day: April 9th at 8am
15 club members and 5 outside club members
People get 5 gallons of wort
Matt will be posting it on the website
Reaching out to people who has contributed to the club, the first dibs. Email a list to board members.
4. Fig Mountain Brew Day:
Potential month in July
Ed will be in contact with the brewer
V. Webmaster and Grand Hydro
- April style: All Session
- Canning Demo will be on April 3rd. Kent, John A. and Drew will be handling the session.
- Mayfaire saison canning project: Designing label, Then canning. Cullen will be working on the label.
- New credit card style (Stripe) has been posted on the website for those who don’t wish to use PayPal. Should be set up on today or tomorrow.
VI. Membership- To be discussed at a later time
1. Anything new? I told lots of people about joining when filling in at the shop.
VII. Publicity
1. Shop Brews:
John A. Dark Lager: full yet? Planning brews for SCHF, Mayfaire, etc?
They currently only have 3 spots open at the moment
2. Grain buy is set with the shop: 200lbs. max, 10lbs. per member, cutoff is close of business May 1. Sign up should have space to indicate event.
We will need to get a signup sheet up and bring to the shop. KENT make the sign up sheet. Please add a blank for the event they are planning on bringing it to.
VIII. Newsletter
1. President’s article – Talk up grain buy, SCHF, Mayfaire, etc.
2. Who else contributing? I would still like to see more articles from board.
Make sure items for newsletter is ready and emailed to Andy by the 27th
Thursday add the grain shop items and that it’s live.
Contact Drew about his recipe.
Possible newletter shit list? Where we can shame those who volunteer to clean up and DON’T!
IX. Burgermeister
1. Apr. club meeting – Easter and St. Pats taco bar.
2. We need to give Nat the date, time and place for Mayfaire judging session so we can have food.
Potential breakfast- Granola bar and yogurt
Kent- please look at the amount we spent last year on food
John A. will bring cold brew
Ed will talk to natalie about pumping up the fund
$15 bucks a head with breakfast and lunch
X. Other business?
1. Other biz from Nancy and the shop:
- Brew 101 instructor is needed. Is there anyone interested in taking on this job?
- Nancy will talk to Sean regarding the class.
- Nancy has volunteered to be the brew leader for Lady Brew on May 15th and also the Brew with a falcon in June 25th.
2. The July meeting? Date?
- Will be on July 10th
3. Install an activity board for flyers and white board so that people can see it separately from the central board.
4. Charity options- $1 entry increase will be for charities. Who are we donating it?
Board send your favorite charities then send it out to the members.
- Pick our favorite 5 before sending it out as survey monkey option.