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June Member Meeting - POTLUCK!!

Next Monthly Member Meeting - Sunday, June 3rd, 2018

The June monthly Club meeting is on Sunday, June 3rd, 11:00 AM at the Home Beer Wine and Cheese Making Shop in Woodland Hills.

The Grand Hydrometer presentation and commercial beer tasting is NEW Local beers!

Lunch: POTLUCK! We have one at least once a year & always have an amazing spread to feast on! Please sign up on our MF website or comment below to let us know what you'd like to bring! If you simply just want to eat & not bring a dish to pass, lunch is $6.

Please bring your beer, mead, cider, soda or whatever to share and review, we're seeing fewer homebrews being presented at our meetings! If you're shy or have imperfect beers, bring it to get some expert feedback one-on-one from the experts at the Trouble Shooters Corner. If you can't make the meeting, tune in to the Falcons public Facebook page, we always put up live streaming video, which you can watch later as well at https://www.facebook.com/maltosefalcons.

Event Date: 
Sunday, June 3, 2018 - 11:00


meademaker's picture

I’ll bring some of my baby back ribs. Rubbed, smoked, and baked. Fall off the bone tender!

Administrator's picture

I will bring something appetizer appropriate!

Kyrsten's picture

I'm bringing a zucchini, mint & quinoa salad

Gutpunch's picture

Garlic & kalamata sourdough bread.

Gapeterson's picture

I will bring a mango, jicama, cucumber salad

bruhozer's picture

I'm bringing a green salad with stuff I like in it.

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