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February Club Meeting and Annual Chili Cook-Off

Sunday, February 2, 2020- Join us for our monthly membership meeting and annual chili cook off with some great beer. All are welcome! And yes, we know it is Super Bowl Sunday. However, we make sure that the meeting is done early enough to get you to the game with plenty of time to spare.

The meeting starts at 11:00 am, with introductions and general business. The Grand Hydrometer - Drew - will be sharing some delicious beer, with some tasty stouts and porters. Remember to bring your own tasting glass and your homebrew to share and for review by your peers.

And then lunch - Chili cook off! Show off you favorite chili recipe, and bring a pot/crockpot of the delicious stew to share with club. By bringing the chili, you get to sample everyone’s for free, as well as enter into the competition to win prizes. 1st place receives free club membership for the next year, a bottle or two of really yummy beer and bragging rights, 2nd place a bottle or two of the same yummy beer, 3rd place is a bottle of beer. $6 for those who do not enter the competition, but would like unlimited samples of these tasty chilis. Everyone who brings chili and all who pay to sample will be able to judge which one they like the best.

"Troubleshooters Corner" will be available for those with specific issues or who are too shy to present to the whole group. Welcome to those who want to check out the club and welcome back to all of our old friends.

If you can't make the meeting, tune in to the Falcons public Facebook page, we always put up live streaming video, which you can watch later as well at https://www.facebook.com/maltosefalcons.

Club meeting will be held, as usual, at the Home Beer Wine Cheesemaking Shop in Woodland Hills, CA - Come as you are! Parking has been a little difficult with the bank closing across the street. Arrive a little  earlier than usual to find a spot, as well as try to carpool, if possible.

Address: 22836 Ventura Blvd # B, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Event Date: 
Sunday, February 2, 2020 - 11:00 to 13:30
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