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Board Meeting Minutes January 2021

Date: 1/27/2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Online (Zoom)

In Attendance:

  • Drew (Acting President, Grand Hydrometer and Webmaster)
  • Eric (VP and Competitions)
  • Ed (VP and Competitions)
  • Jeff (Activities)
  • Robert (Activities)
  • Tiffany (Treasurer)
  • Rick (Membership)
  • Gavin (Secretary)
  • Ilan (Publicity)
  • Ian (Newsletter)
  • Jenna (Burgermeister)

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Feb 17, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. and will be conducted via Zoom.


Tiffany Ashrafi is on board as Treasurer having taken over all duties from Kent.
Checks she has written have gone through, but some banking authorization transfers need to be resolved.
Bank account balance is holding steady.
Medals have not been paid for (or ordered).

SCHF and AHA HBC are both tentative this year.
Drew is going to put out a questionnaire to gauge interest in camping sites at SCHF.

John A is going to join Eric and Ed to do a post-mortem on Latefaire right before the LBBL Happy Hour.
DKM has 56 entries so far. 
Deadline for entries has been moved to Feb 2,  check-in to Feb 6,  with  Feb 27 being the final day of online judging, which will be done in a similar fashion  to Latefaire last year.

Grand Hydro
Brad Smith's appearance at last monthly meeting was very well received.
Next monthly meeting topic will be Triple IPAs, possibly featuring El Segundo Power Plant

Membership discounts: Rick is holding off on asking breweries for discounts during the pandemic.
We have 100 active members currently, and Rick has been sending out digital membership cards for new members and renewals.

Deadline for submissions: Wed, Feb 3.
Topics suggested: Doug King promo, Ilan’s idea of Brew with a Falcon videos.

Ilan has volunteered to assume this position. His nomination was seconded with no opposing members. The formal vote will be conducted at the February membership meeting.
Nicolai and Quinlan were nominated to jointly take over Ilan’s current position of Publicity. Nomination was seconded with no opposing members.

Jay Ankeney is writing an article for Zymurgy for the May edition. The club is urging members to support his efforts.
Brew with a falcon Videos: Ilan would like to get 10 volunteers to commit to making videos of their brew process. It would be best to stagger the release of these videos, starting in March. Suggestions: B-roll GoPro that runs continuously, in addition to a separate interview cam. No shooting in portrait mode! We have about 5 volunteers so far.

Happy Hours
We are confirmed out to March 19. Upcoming breweries for 2021: Draconum (Tiffany), Offshoot/Breuery (Ilan), Frogrown (Gavin), Brewyard (Rick), Beachwood (Drew), Pure Project. (Andy). 
Five Threads is set for the 1st anniversary of the Happy Hours in April.
The club is considering putting together a compilation video from the “best of” Happy Hours.

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