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Elkwood Brown

This is a hoppy American Brown Ale. I recently revised the recipe to make use of some of the "New Grains" being stocked at the Home Beer, Wine and Cheese Shop, and it won the little New Grains Recipe Contest we had this summer. It also took a first place in the L.A. County Fair.
Brewed By: 
Fletch, aka Brewgyver
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Batch Size: 
10.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.065 O.G.
Final Gravity: 
1.014 F.G.
6.8% ABV
54.0 IBUs
23.0 SRM

% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

80.8 9.50 lbs. Pale Malt(2-row) Great Britain 1.038 3 1.6

0.19 lbs. French Kilned Coffee Malt 1.030 150 1.6

0.19 lbs. Roasted Rye France 1.030 95 3.2

0.38 lbs. Scottish Crystal 1.030 90 3.2

0.38 lbs. Crystal 55L Great Britian 1.034 55 4.3

0.50 lbs. Pale Chocolate 1.030 200 3.2

0.38 lbs. Crystal 105L Great Britain 1.033 105 2.1

0.25 lbs. Aromatic Malt Belgium 1.036 25 

Mashing Instructions: 

Single infusion mash, sach rest at 153, mashout at 168


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

0.50 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.40 33.0 60 min.

0.25 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.40 8.4 30 min.

0.25 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 7.20 4.2 30 min.

0.25 oz. Columbus Pellet 14.40 4.4 15 min.

0.25 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 7.20 2.2 15 min.

0.20 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 7.20 1.1 5 min.

0.20 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.00 0.8 5 min.


Wyeast 1056 slurry from previous batch

Special Instructions / Notes: 

This brew also formed one half of a Parti-Gyle brew - with one mash, runnings mixed to create two worts - this American Brown at 1.065 OG and an English Mild at 1.040 OG. They were boiled simultaneously in two kettles, and hopped appropiately.

Awards ------ Won 1st Place Brown Ale Category, 2011 L.A. County Fair

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