9.5 lbs. Marris Otter
.75 lbs. Bisquit
1.25 lbs. Crystal 55L
1 lb. Carapils
Mash at 153 degrees for 60.mins. Use 1 qt. of water per pound of grain for the mash as this needs to be fairly thick.
.70 ozs. Fuggles pellets 5.3% AA 60 mins.
1 tsp. Calcium carbonate at start of boil
1 tsp. Irish moss 20 mins.
1 cup Dried heather flowers 15 mins.
1 cup Dried heather flowers 0 mins.
Wyeast 1728 Scottish Strong Ale
Do make a yeast starter.
Put the dried heather flowers in hop bags to contain the very small pieces for a cleaner beer.
Ferment at 65 to 68 degrees.
You can also "dry heather" in secondary with another cup of heather in a hop bag for a more intense heather aroma and flavor.