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Hell Imperial Pilsner

The actual final product of the decoction session. Notice we only gather half as much as we intended.
Brewed By: 
John Aitchison, Tamara, Mike Geyser, Cullen Davis, Jim Kopitzke, Drew Beechum
Brew Date: 
Brew Type: 
Beer Styles: 
Batch Size: 
20.0 gallons
Boil Time: 
60 minutes
Original Gravity: 
1.078 O.G.
66.8 IBUs

55 lbs Moravian Undermodified Malt
45 lbs Weyermann Pilsner

Mashing Instructions: 

Strike (Protein Rest) 125 F 15 minutes Infusion
Beta Rest 145 F 15 minutes Decoction (40% Pull, 154F - 10 mins, Boil 15 minutes)
Alpha Rest 154 F 15 minutes Decoction (30% Pull, Boil 15 minutes)
Mash Out 165 F 15 minutes Decoction (40% Pull, Boil 15 minutes)
Sparge 165 F 3 Hours


9.0 oz Perle Pellet 7.60% AA 60 minutes
12.5 oz Czech Saaz Whole 3.1% AA 0 minutes


Wyeast 2278 Czech Pils

Special Instructions / Notes: 

Okay, so why is this called the Hell Imperial Pilsner? Because of that funny time number next to the Sparge line. This thing turned into the stuck mash from hell. Both lauter tuns completely jammed multiple times despite restirring, blow backs, and water additions. Why? Speculation has points to a combination of husk shearing due to the decoctions, beta-glucan "glueing" due to the Undermodfided malt with an inadequate protein/glucanase rest, and lastly just the mash being too thick.

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